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Personlig melding fra Roseyana:


[email protected]




My Name is Rose I was impressed when i saw your profile at www.diskusjon.no and l will like you to email me back to my inbox so that i can send you my picture for you to know who i am .i believe we can establish a long lasting relation ship with you.([email protected])for more introduction.

Thanks,waiting to hear from you soonest.



[email protected]


Mitt navn er Rose Jeg ble imponert da jeg så profilen din på www.diskusjon.no og l vil gjerne at du skal email meg tilbake til min innboks, slik at jeg kan sende deg min bilde for deg å vite hvem jeg er. Jeg tror vi kan etablere et langvarig forhold skip med deg. ([email protected]) for mer introduksjon.

Takk, venter på å høre fra deg snarest.



Så hva er hensikten? Kommer det snart en melding fra en rik, ukjent okel som tilfeldigvis er oljesjeik? Hva kan en tjene på dette? :hmm:



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Ett raskt google-søk viset over 23 000 resultater på "My Name is Rose I was impressed when i saw your profile at"


Du er med andre ord ikke så unik, hun Rose er ganske løs-sluppen av seg...

Hensikten er å få penger ut fra deg, på en eller annen måte.


Hva du kan tjene?

Tja, en dyr erfaring anskje.

Glem mailen, ikke svar og lev lykkelig resten av livet :D

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Lol, sånt må du bare regne med. Du må ikke føle deg spesiell fordi noen liker profilen din, slike mail får de aller fleste fra tid til annen.

Haha, jeg er en aktiv internettbruker og ser jo hva som er bull og ikke :tease:



EDIT: Når jeg skriver hva en kan tjene på dette mener jeg jo de som sender disse meldingene, ikke meg selv ;) Lurer på om det finnes folk som går på slike ting, og om de også klikker på bannere "YOU ARE THE 124th WINNER!" laugh.gif

Endret av Reap
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Strengt tatt er det ikke dummere å bli lurt av en slik mail enn å gifte seg - da gir man jo bort halve sin formue til noen som før eller siden stikker av med pengene dine...


Litt grotesk påstand kanskje, men den er jo riktig i halvparten av tilfellene.

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En person på skype la til meg, dette er visstnok en engelsk marine infanterist som har bachelor og master. Les loggen, hva tror dere? jeg tror han har en bot men jeg veit ikke jeg ;)



This is my first time coming to your country i dont know any one there or any relation there that is why i contacted you so that you will show me around...

[02.11.2011 22:08:00] james.g.stavridis: i am searching for a honest,trustful and dedicated person with good heart and understanding for friendship and i search for contact on skype, among the contact list i saw your profile,that is how i came across your ID,hope you would be of good assistance....OK?

[02.11.2011 22:08:42] james.g.stavridis: our conversation here on skype should be kept between us for my safety as I am not allowed to show cams and speak with the usage of microphones due to the unpleasant situation we are experiencing down here...

[02.11.2011 22:08:59] james.g.stavridis: I can only chat with you here and send emails, as I am not able to handle any transaction as well,due to the unpleasant situation we are experiencing here on the Libyan coast,all our communication systems are being connected to the Pentagon in the United State for our security.

[02.11.2011 22:09:22] sindre svindal: Ok

[02.11.2011 22:09:34] sindre svindal: So are you stationed in Libya right now or in U.S?

[02.11.2011 22:09:43] james.g.stavridis: I will be needing your assistance as a co-partner over there in your country as I plan investing in a profitable business over there in your country when I come...

[02.11.2011 22:13:16] james.g.stavridis: I am in a assignment duties in Libya....

[02.11.2011 22:56:12] james.g.stavridis: This is my first time coming to your country i dont know any one there or any relation there that is why i contacted you so that you will show me around...

[11:11:20] sindre svindal: So are you asking me if i can show you around in Norway?

[11:12:09] james.g.stavridis: Yes..

[11:13:32] sindre svindal: It would pherhaps work, but how do i know it is actually you, aslo when would i need to show you around, and where?

[11:15:08] james.g.stavridis: I can only chat with you here and send emails, as I am not able to handle any transaction as well,due to the unpleasant situation we are experiencing here on the Libyan coast,all our communication systems are being connected to the Pentagon in the United State for our security.

[11:15:35] james.g.stavridis: With this reason, my ability to show cams and chat with microphones are restricted as its against the United States Navy policies.

[11:15:49] sindre svindal: Yes iknow, but did you not ask if i can show you around in Norway?

[11:16:01] sindre svindal: Nevermind, what do you want to know?

[11:16:47] james.g.stavridis: I will be coming to your country on a vacation trip,also this trip is confidential not official as I will be coming alone not with my troops or media...

[11:16:56] james.g.stavridis: That is why i only contacted you to know if you are friendly......?

[11:19:13] james.g.stavridis: I am a native of Pittsburgh suburb of Butler, Pennsylvania,i attended graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1975 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Ocean Engineering and completed studies in nuclear power for service as a submarine officer. i also earned my Master's Degree in Education from Auburn University, and my Master's Degree in Business Management from Webster University. i am graduate of the Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced courses, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and the U.S. Army War College ...

[11:19:37] sindre svindal: Yes, but again i am wondering , are there anything you are wondering about? since you wrote about " i contacted you so you will show me around.... "

[11:21:23] james.g.stavridis: Have you been in contact with any Military personnel in any part of the World or a representative of a government institution who is sent on a special diplomatic mission...?

[11:26:28] sindre svindal: No i have not, why are you wondering about that?

[11:28:24] james.g.stavridis: I'm goal oriented and believe in chasing dreams. At the same time I'm also realistic.

[11:29:20] james.g.stavridis: our conversation here on skype should be kept confidential between us for my safety as I am not allowed to show cams and speak with the usage of microphones due to the unpleasant situation we are experiencing down here...

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