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PS3 med sin svakeste uke noensinne i Japan med 14k. Wii selger for tiden nesten 4 ganger så mye. Det samme gjelder DS vs PSP. X360 er og blir en fiasko i Japan:


Sist uke i Japan (foregående uke i parantes)


DS 110,935 (80,012)

Wii 52,583 (51,365)

PSP 31,503 (39,077)

PS3 14,520 (16,889)

PS2 14,234 (17,787)

X360 2,963 (3,889)



DS har passert 16 mill. (!) totalt i Japan, Wii har passert 2 mill. totalt.


EDIT: greit med kilde også

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Status per 16.04:


___Nexgenwars..GamerGauge....ConsoleW....VG Charts.....Average..................Av market

360|..10 457 880....9 856 970...11 407 600...9 680 000..10 350 613( 54 547)....51.04 %

PS3|....2 850 479....2 536 948.....3 076 100...3 150 000....2 903 382( 57 349)...14.32 %

Wii.|....6 528 967....7 474 414.....7 510 700...6 580 000....7 023 520(256 858)...34.64 %













note: VG Charts har ikke oppdart tallene sine siden 10.04, eller så selger PS3 og 360 likt mens Wii selger 5 ganger så mye som de.

Endret av -iL-
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Ser ut som microsoft kanskje fusker litt med tallene sine.. og at de tvinger butikker til å følge deres vilje, i hvertfall om man skal tro det siste fra nexgenwars.


Rumors of Microsoft Cheating Their Sales

Submitted by: AlbinoNinja | 33 hours ago | Xbox 360 | http://news.softpedia.com


It's crystal clear that Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii leave Sony's PS3 in a trail of smoke and dust more and more with every day that passes. But who's winning when there are only two consoles to be mentioned: the Wii, or the 360? I found this article today on Gamespot saying that Microsoft might have just mugged their own sales figures. How? By stuffing the retail channel.


Here's how it goes. A company like Microsoft has a fiscal year to end. As the end of that fiscal year approaches, the company realizes that only 9 million units of their product have been shipped (sold units are something to bother their heads with later) out of the 10 million target. The company then “stuffs retailers” with the extra 1 million units and they can happily say they've ended their fiscal year. But all this is like a boomerang and if this is indeed Microsoft's case, it will come back and hit them in the face.


“Strong companies confident in their strategy and performance don't do these things," the Ehrenberg blog says. “They don't have to. What kind of a message does this type of behavior send to the investor community and, more importantly, your customers? Weakness. Fear. Short-term thinking. Nothing that represents a positive signal for a better, brighter tomorrow.” Roger Ehrenberg, president and COO of investment analyst service Monitor110 financial blog, got his information from the Apple-focused Blackfriars' Marketing. They imply that “Microsoft threatened to withhold copies of its Vista operating system--released in January--from retailers who didn't play along and choke down excess Xbox 360 inventory.”


So what do you think? Is Microsoft capable of pulling a stunt like this? If they are, we're surely in for some good news later on as these kinds of actions have severe repercussions.




skal bli interessant å se om noen graver videre i dette :p

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Ser ut som microsoft kanskje fusker litt med tallene sine.. og at de tvinger butikker til å følge deres vilje,  i hvertfall om man skal tro det siste fra nexgenwars.


Rumors of Microsoft Cheating Their Sales

Submitted by: AlbinoNinja | 33 hours ago | Xbox 360 | http://news.softpedia.com


It's crystal clear that Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii leave Sony's PS3 in a trail of smoke and dust more and more with every day that passes. But who's winning when there are only two consoles to be mentioned: the Wii, or the 360? I found this article today on Gamespot saying that Microsoft might have just mugged their own sales figures. How? By stuffing the retail channel.


Here's how it goes. A company like Microsoft has a fiscal year to end. As the end of that fiscal year approaches, the company realizes that only 9 million units of their product have been shipped (sold units are something to bother their heads with later) out of the 10 million target. The company then “stuffs retailers” with the extra 1 million units and they can happily say they've ended their fiscal year. But all this is like a boomerang and if this is indeed Microsoft's case, it will come back and hit them in the face.


“Strong companies confident in their strategy and performance don't do these things," the Ehrenberg blog says. “They don't have to. What kind of a message does this type of behavior send to the investor community and, more importantly, your customers? Weakness. Fear. Short-term thinking. Nothing that represents a positive signal for a better, brighter tomorrow.” Roger Ehrenberg, president and COO of investment analyst service Monitor110 financial blog, got his information from the Apple-focused Blackfriars' Marketing. They imply that “Microsoft threatened to withhold copies of its Vista operating system--released in January--from retailers who didn't play along and choke down excess Xbox 360 inventory.”


So what do you think? Is Microsoft capable of pulling a stunt like this? If they are, we're surely in for some good news later on as these kinds of actions have severe repercussions.




skal bli interessant å se om noen graver videre i dette :p


Dette ble vel avfeiet som stort sett bogus i samme Gamespot artikkel, gjorde det ikke?

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Ser ut som microsoft kanskje fusker litt med tallene sine.. og at de tvinger butikker til å følge deres vilje,  i hvertfall om man skal tro det siste fra nexgenwars.


Rumors of Microsoft Cheating Their Sales

Submitted by: AlbinoNinja | 33 hours ago | Xbox 360 | http://news.softpedia.com


It's crystal clear that Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii leave Sony's PS3 in a trail of smoke and dust more and more with every day that passes. But who's winning when there are only two consoles to be mentioned: the Wii, or the 360? I found this article today on Gamespot saying that Microsoft might have just mugged their own sales figures. How? By stuffing the retail channel.


Here's how it goes. A company like Microsoft has a fiscal year to end. As the end of that fiscal year approaches, the company realizes that only 9 million units of their product have been shipped (sold units are something to bother their heads with later) out of the 10 million target. The company then “stuffs retailers” with the extra 1 million units and they can happily say they've ended their fiscal year. But all this is like a boomerang and if this is indeed Microsoft's case, it will come back and hit them in the face.


“Strong companies confident in their strategy and performance don't do these things," the Ehrenberg blog says. “They don't have to. What kind of a message does this type of behavior send to the investor community and, more importantly, your customers? Weakness. Fear. Short-term thinking. Nothing that represents a positive signal for a better, brighter tomorrow.” Roger Ehrenberg, president and COO of investment analyst service Monitor110 financial blog, got his information from the Apple-focused Blackfriars' Marketing. They imply that “Microsoft threatened to withhold copies of its Vista operating system--released in January--from retailers who didn't play along and choke down excess Xbox 360 inventory.”


So what do you think? Is Microsoft capable of pulling a stunt like this? If they are, we're surely in for some good news later on as these kinds of actions have severe repercussions.




skal bli interessant å se om noen graver videre i dette :p


Dette ble vel avfeiet som stort sett bogus i samme Gamespot artikkel, gjorde det ikke?



ja... for å si det sånn, så ditcha crewet hans han helt til han begynnte å lage milkshake med sin egen avføring :thumbup:

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Får bare opp error når jeg forsøker å åpne, men om du går inn på http://www.gamespot.com/news/index.html?navclk=news ser du den under navnet "Microsoft cooking 360 figures?".


Mener å huske at artikkelen konkluderte med at selv om det nok var snakk om at det var en del Xboxer på hyllene som Microsoft omtalte som "sold" (egentlig shipped), var det ikke snakk om voldsomme tall, noe flere analytikere etc. også sa seg enige i.

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