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Stalker hands on - IGN/Gamespot

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Jeg bestilte bare den metallboksen fra Play i dag, jeg. Pundet er såpass lavt nå (11,91NOK), så jeg slo bare til, og sparte noen kroner i prosessen.


Boksen havner sikkert i tollen eller noe sånn, så jeg får den garantert ikke på lanseringsdagen, men det gjør lite. Da laster jeg bare ned spillet og spiller det til jeg får originalversjonen. :)



Hm. Da jeg prøvde å bestille Limited Edition fra Play sto det "This item can only be delivered to a UK address."


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Enda en ny preview fra Gamespy finnes her. Denne gangen av multiplayer-BETA'en. De er i allefall imponert nok, selv om at spillet har en del små problemer enda.


EDIT: Nå har også Gamespot kommed med en temmelig lik sniktitt av multiplayer-beta'en. I tillegg har de også et intervju med to av folka bak spillet, en AI programmer, og en gameplay designer:


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GameSpot: Tell us about the five factions in the game and the roles they will play. How will they be more than simply good-or-evil, black-and-white groups that influence players' actions?


Dmitry Yasenev and Ruslan Didenko: The factions are Duty, Monolith, Mercenaries, Freedom, and Bandits. Each faction possesses its own ideology which determines the basic relations among them. For example, the Duty faction consists of ex-military who went into the zone to fight the perils there. They believe it a duty to protect the world from mutant invasion and hence fight against any zone traces. Meanwhile, the Freedom faction consists of anarchists fighting for information about the zone. They openly oppose the military and want to prevent the government from fully controlling the zone. They believe the zone is an ex-military test ground for Third World War weapons and that what happens in the zone must be widely known.


The factions have well-protected bases in the zone, where they have their leaders, plenty of guards, equipment, and ammunition. All the factions fight one another, and the player may become involved in this conflict.


GS: Obviously, players will be able to make enemies by attacking other factions, but how do players join the different factions in the game? Is it possible to increase or decrease your standing with a certain faction, and if so, how?


DY and RD: There are two levels of relationships when it comes to the player and the factions. The first is the player's relationship with individual of that faction, and the second is the attitude of the entire faction. On the individual level, the player may interact with a certain stalker by communicating, trading, fighting, and so on. If you make a mess of the relations with a single stalker, you will not necessarily become an enemy of his entire faction. To do that you'd need to commit to something much more evil, such as attacking a faction's outpost or killing a number of its members.


GS: What benefits will players get for joining certain factions? For instance, if you join the Duty faction, will you get access to better equipment, or if you join the stalkers, will you get better selling prices for your wares?


DY and RD: The neutral factions will provide the player with random tasks. Cooperating with factions will gain you access to unique weapons and gear, as well as considerable discounts at a faction-friendly dealer.


GS: Tell us about the mutant creatures that players will face in the game. Just how many kinds of different mutant creatures will players encounter?


DY and RD: The game has about a dozen different monster types. Most of these have different subspecies, which have different looks.


GS: Are all the mutant creatures in the game a result of nuclear fallout, or are there some that were perhaps the result of some Chernobyl-era experimentation? What are their motivations? Will they all be hostile?


DY and RD: Monsters are divided into three categories: mutated animals, mutated humans, and creatures that have appeared after some eerie events in the zone.


The key behavior built into monsters is the self-preserving instinct. Monsters act in accordance with their instincts, being guided by this paramount goal of avoiding danger. Hence, the level of aggression of some monsters is fairly low in the game. Unless you go attacking them, they would rather avoid the combat than engage in it. But if monsters feel strong enough to beat the player, they will attack.


GS: Many of the creatures we've seen so far seem like mindless animals, charging at players and trying to bite or claw them. Will all creatures in the game simply be dumb beasts, or will they have different abilities or smarter AI? Give us some examples.


DY and RD: In addition to aggression, monsters can show individual abilities, peculiarities, and tricks. In battle you can observe when monsters get scared and start running away, only to return once their morale is restored. A certain category of monsters in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. were given abnormal abilities--telekinesis, telepathy, invisibility--turning them into very nonstandard opponents. For instance, when fighting an invisible poltergeist, you will first have to cope with boxes, crates, furniture, and whatever other objects it grabs and hurls at your face. Meanwhile, the controller enemy, using his abilities of telepathy and mental control, prefers to act from the distance by inflicting psionic attacks or sending zombies the player's way.


GS: We understand that in certain missions, players will actually be joined by AI characters who will fight by their side. How skilled will teammates be in battle? Will they be hesitant to enter dangerous areas, or will they suffer morale problems and flee battle if they're too badly injured?


DY and RD: We aimed to approximate the AI's behavior to something real humans would do. As a result, in the company of AI characters you can see them showing caution, choosing cover, firing from behind the cover, and then hiding back to reload. If an AI loses sight of his opponent, he comes out and tries to hunt him, and when finding an injured enemy he will finish him, but not without first uttering something rude in Russian.


Aside from the sheer abilities, the effectiveness of your teammate's actions will hugely depend on his rank and equipment: thus, rookies in the battle are far less effective than veterans. So, watch who you take with you when going into battle. Generally speaking, the behavior of computer stalkers in battle can be described as, "Nobody here wants to die, each one values his own life."


GS: Thank you, guys.


Virker høyst imponerende ut. :yes:

Endret av Hr. Jenssen
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Vi vil meddele at varen(e) i din bestilling har blitt forsinket.


Vi kan dessverre ikke gi deg en eksakt leveransedato, men lover at du kommer til å få dine varer så fort som mulig.


Men det bryr jeg meg ikke om. Laster bare ned spillet og spiller til jeg får boksen min. :)

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Beklagar att du har fått ett förseningsmail.

Spelet har release 23-03-2007 och skickas inte förrän då.   

Med vänlig hälsning   


Kundtjänst CDON.COM 


Så det virker som det bare er en glipp fra CDON sin side :)

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Det var bra. Men eg håper dei meiner at spelet blir sendt sånn at vi får det den 23, og ikkje at dei sender det ut den 23. Sistnemnte vil føre til at vi må vente ut i veka etter at spelet har kome ut før vi får det. No har fleire av oss vente i mange år, men eg vil tru dagane det tek å sende spelet i posten vil følast mykje lenger enn alle åra vi har venta.

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Hmm, det der klippet ble jeg litt skeptisk av... Er det av den endelige versjonen?


Spillet ser veldig pent ut, med unntak av spillermodellene, men noe som forstyrrer meg, er hvor mye fiendene tåler. Ser bare så latterlig ut når man må stå der og tømme ett og et halvt magasin for at en fiende skal dø. Dessuten føler man ikke at man treffer fienden. Når man treffer dem, står de der bare, og fortsetter å skyte. De føler visst aldri smerte. Dessuten virket ikke AI'en noe bra i det hele tatt. Fiendene står der og skyter, og tar sjelden dekning. Skyteepisodene jeg så der lever definitivt IKKE opp til forventningene. Vi får vente og se...

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