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Lost: Spoilertråd: Rundt kommende episoder


52 stemmer

  1. 1. Hvor mye fra 1-10 likte du at Richard blir med på fulltid i siste sesongen?

    • 1-4
    • 4-6
    • 6-8
    • 8-9
    • 10
  2. 2. Liker du at Charlie er tilbake for 3 episoder i den nye sesongen?

    • Ja, begynte å savne han.
    • Nja...
    • Nei, gi meg Eko istede!
  3. 3. Boone kommer også tilbake, bra eller dårlig?

    • Bra.
    • Dårlig.
  4. 4. Hvem andre vil du ha tilbake?

    • Mr. Eko
    • Tom
    • Ethan
    • Michael
    • Shannon
    • 0
  5. 5. Faraday kommer tilbake, bra eller dårlig?

    • Jævelig bra!!!
    • Dårlig...

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Desmond er bekreftet returnerer i flere episoder enn sesongstarten:


Two seperate scenes being shot today, Tues 15th.


1)Diamond Head Stage: Desmond, Mikhial, and Sayid and they are going to get wet!


2)Jin and Sun and they are at a airport going through customs, hmmm.


Source: PF108@DarkUFO


The Transmission Podcast - Info om scener med Alpert, Esau(Man in Black) o.s.v.


[shoot at studio]

- “A visiting fan from DC saw what looked like a mast and one wall of a wooden ship; with a weathered door and some crates & barrels. And there are other reports on sites like DARKUFO, that pretty much confirm that, yes… we are going to see the Black Rock this season.”

- Black Rock is definitely a prison ship


- Things don’t end well for the prisoners

- Richard Alpert, a priest, and the man in black are there. (Ryan’s words: “Esau, yes, A.J. or anti-Jacob, or the man in black, returning to the show. Great stuff.”)

- Ryan’s friend got to be an extra in a scene filmed at an old hospital/asylum above Pearl City (where they previously filmed Locke’s birth.) But this time this hospital was in Russia, and was an Ilana scene.

- Suggests that since this is an Alpert-centric, that “Ilana may be connected to more people than we previously thought.”


[2 day shoot at North Shore/Turtle Bay Resort]

- The front desk of the hotel was used in a scene. Jin was behind the desk.

- Makes a joke that even in this world… Jin still ends up in the ‘visitor industry.’

- Sun was there as well.

- Day 2 Call sheet included Keamy and Omar... This is not the same scene as the earlier spoiler of “the kitchen scene with Sayid.”

- Mikhail is also there, and speaks Korean.

[shoot at the old beach camp set]

- Tents and campfires set up near the Banyan trees where Charlie was hung. Sawyer, Locke, Sayid, and Clair were filmed


[Local Community College Shoot]

- This was previously used for Hurleys asylum and the Canoe scenes in S5

- The shoot was for Jin, but there were no details.

[shoot on/near a highway]

- Really ‘nice’ house was used.

- Jungle near the highway was used, featuring a stone, or monument. Scene featured Hugo, dressed in red and Richard wearing dark blue, looking his usual self. Also a dark haired woman, who was doing close up dialog shots. She looked similar to Ilana, but wasn’t.


[shoot at a fish pond]

- Previously used for Jin’s dad/fishing scene

- ‘Sleek and black.’ Submarine was used the previous day (not the Galaga.)

- Jack, Hurley, Jacob, man in black also shot there. But didn’t know if they were filming with the sub. He said they could’ve been filming in the beach or jungle near there.

Ryan will be at Sunset on The Beach, for the premier.


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Diverse spoiler 4 januar, DarkUFO

- From the recent Kristen spoiler the "Am I alive?" statement is made by Charlie after Jack saves him

- Boone and Locke talk again in the Premiere

- Sawyer is back to his best conman ways in the Premiere

- Arzt and Hurley talk about Mr.Clucks

- Jin has money "issues"

- Christians Coffin never made it onto the plane

- Kate steals something from Jack

- Locke and Jack speak about Locke's knives


Source: DarkUFO


Read more: http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/#ixzz0bmR8jhIa



Scoreboard til kildene til DarkUFO(deres meninger i karakter, sammenlagt) over de første episodene i S6


Episode 6.09 - AB Aererno - 9.60

Episode 6.07 - Dr Linus - 9.25

Episode 6.04 - The Subsitute - 9.10

Episode 6.01/6.02 - LA X - 9.00

Episode 6.05 - Lighthouse - 8.75

Episode 6.06 - Sundown - 8.40

Episode 6.08 - Recon - 7.10

Episode 6.03 - What Kate Does - 6.70


Episode 6.04 - The Substitute


- We see Hurley and his Hummer and it causes a problem for Locke

- We see Rose in this episode and she has a connection to Hurley

- This connection is used to help Locke

- Rose is not long for "this" world

- Locke and Rose argue about him wasting her time

- The result of this connection causes John Locke to run into an old enemy


Source: DarkUFO

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DarkUFO: 6x10 - Sun & Jin sentrert / 6x11 - Desmond sentrert

I've just received some info from my source that Episode 6.11 - will be Desmond centric and that we will see Room 23 and Widmore again. I can also confirm that Episode 6.10 will be Jin/Sun Centric.



Bra nok for å ikke lenger være en hovedkarakter vil Desmond alikevel få en sentrert episode, 6 episoder før siste episode av serien.

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Episode 6.11 "Happily Ever After" - Noe av hva vi om episoden til nå

- Desmond sin første sentrerte episode siden 5x3

- Charlie retunerer som sagt.

- Faraday er også med i episoden.

- Flere scener med Charlie og Desmond sammen.

- Eloise tilbake.

- Desmond leter etter Penny.

- Mikowski retunerer i episoden.

- En av de 4 episodene Charlie er med denne sesongen.



Flere karakterer bekreftet tilbake i sesong 6

Michael Dawson


Seth Norris(Gerg Grunberg fra Heroes/Alias)

Edward Mars/The Marshall

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NB: Dødspoiler, ikke en hovedkarakter

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor

Does Flocke/Smoke Monster kill Bram?

Does Bram die in the premiere?




Diverse spørsmål rundt finalen som er besvart med Ja:

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor

- do Jack and Sawyer have another fistfight and/or shouting match in the aftermath of the bomb?

- Do we get to see the smoke monster in the premiere ?

- Will we see Jacob in the premiere?

- Will we see the 'real' John Locke alive and well?

- Do Kate and Sawyer interact/talk to each other at all?

- Will there be an appearance by someone or something that will shock any avid, spoiler consuming Lost fan?

- Will Desmond be in the premier?

- Will there be a surprising twist in the episode or a "jump the shark" moment made by the producers?

- does the smoke-monster kill or "judge" anyone?

- Will we get further insight into Jacob/MIB, (Other than the spoilers about MIB = Monster and wanting to go home) and/or the workings of their relationship?

- Will Richard appear in the premiere?

- do Jack/kate talk /have a meaningful scene for them in the premiere on island?

- Will Juliet's story come to a conclusion in the premiere??

- Is Flocke seen as an impostor by the people outside the statue?

- Does Hurley talk to more dead people?

- Will we see alive Juliet in the premiere?

- Do we see some tail section losties in the premiere, e.g. Cindy, Zach, Emma? I mean on the island, not alt reality!

- Do we get some new information about the smoke monster?

- Since the people outside the foot know it's Flocke, is there an altercation when he emerges?

- after 815 landed in the ALT, will Sawyer be somehow involved in Kates' escape from the marshall?

- Do we find out why Jacob gave Hurley the Ankh in the premiere?

- Is Ben remorseful in the premiere for his act of ''killing'' Jacob??

- Does Charlie have a significant role in the premiere?

- Does the 77 losties end up being killed/abducted/judged by someone/entity in the 1977 timeline ?

- Is Jacob dead for good?

- Does the first scene of L AX take place in a time period other than 1977 or 2007?

- Is it revealed that Smokey is MIB in the premiere?

- Were you, as a LOST fan, more confused than ever by the end of the premiere?

- Is there any talk or hint of Jacob coming back to life in some form or another?

- Does Sawyer kiss Juliet goodbye?

- Does Sawyer kiss Juliet on the lips?

- Was it awesome?

- Is the opening sequence/teaser on board flight 815?

- Does Sun have a significant role during the Premiere?

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Første bildene av Libby/Cynthia Watros tilbake på Lost




Interjuv med Harold Perrinau(Michael) om returen til Lost

News that Harold Perrineau will be returning to Lost late in the show’s upcoming final season came as a shocker to many who recalled the actor’s public criticism of the 2008 decision to kill off his character, Michael, and have Michael’s son, Walt, raised by his grandmother (something he felt could be perceived as a “ghetto stereotype”). But speaking publicly for the first time since the announcement, Harold says, “I was always open to returning because there was stuff I thought was unresolved. I’m hoping we can put Michael to rest in a way we haven’t done so far.”


When he returns to the Hawaii set at month’s end, Harold’s anticipating some time in the makeup chair to make him look like Michael, since he’s on loan from the upcoming movie “The Hungry Rabbit Jumps,” in which he plays the principal of a school where Nick Cage is a teacher. “I now have a mustache and short-cropped hair,” Harold says from the New Orleans set. The actor’s deal was finalized just one day before Lost’s executive producers announced that he’d be back, along with Cynthia Watros, whose character, Libby, was shot to death by Harold’s character in 2006. “There are two big hopes I have for Michael,” says Harold. “One is I hope he gets to apologize to his son.” (Unlikely, says exec producer Carlton Cuse, explaining it’s tricky to bring back Malcolm David Kelley, now 17, because “he looks much older than his character. But we’re still seeing if there’s a way to work that out.”)


Harold’s second hope: “That I get to apologize to Libby, since her death was really an accident.” (Oops!) Coincidentally, Harold’s other upcoming film, “30 Days of Night: Dark Days,” casts him as a vampire slayer alongside Kiele Sanchez, who had a brief run on Lost, as Nikki, before her character (along with Rodrigo Santoro’s Paulo) was buried alive in 2007. “I wish she’d been part of our first season, because she’s so much fun,” raves Harold, who was off Lost during Kiele’s run. “When we first met, we literally hugged like we were long-lost brother and sister. I remember her telling me she was so excited to be in Hawaii when she joined Lost, but then people kept telling her tales of what she shouldn’t do on set, and she panicked. And then they killed her.”


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