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Lost Sesong 3: Spoilertråd

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Oppretter denne tråden fordi den vanlige lost-tråden florerer av spoilertekst. Jeg synes det er mye bedre å ha en tråd hvor vi kan diskutere fritt og åpent om teorier og ting som kommer til å skje i Lost, men som ikke er sendt enda.

Generelle tanker rundt Lost, eller meninger skal taes opp i de trådene til de respektive kanalene (ABC og TvNorge), her skal det diskuteres spoilere.

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Eko og Locke vil dra ut i jungelen sammen for å finne en av de andre "stasjonene" eller hva vi nå skal kalle det. De får en liten konflikt vistnok, tro vs skjebne eller noe i den dur.


Vi får også vite hvordan flyet styrtet.


Jeg tror Lost/Eko greiene kan bli skikkelig bra. Jeg tror også knappen har noe med flystyrten. At Desmond kommer tilbake blir også bra, kan være mye som kommer frem i lyset da.

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Jeg tror Lost/Eko greiene kan bli skikkelig bra. Jeg tror også knappen har noe med flystyrten. At Desmond kommer tilbake blir også bra, kan være mye som kommer frem i lyset da.



Tror egentlig ikke vi får vite noe særlig mer. Han fortalte nok sannheten i Adrift/Orientation, og det var Libby som solgte han båten. Det som kan være interresant er hvis vi får se hva han har gjort mens Locke har trykket knapper.


Og se hvem Kelvin var.

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Hva tror dere sesong tre vil være vinklet rundt? Jeg tror at nok en hemmelighet blir avslørt (slik som luken fra sesong 1), og at The Others er mer sentrert i sesong tre. Nye spørsmål vil dukke opp, og "monsteret" vil vise nye sider. The Others er ikke så paralelle med dem som har konstruert tingene på øya, som vi tror.

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Jeg tror det blir nogen lunde slik:


Sesong 1:

-Innledning, vi møter alle personene for første gang.


-Hører om skumle folk (Others, Danielle)

-Blir vettaskremt av "monsteret".

I sesong 1 fikk man veldig få svar.


Sesong 2:

-Luken er åpnet.

-Tail Section kommer.

-Får se endel mer av "monsteret".

-Møter The Others, som vi kan få en krig mot nå i sesongavslutningen.

I sesong 2 fikk vi en del svar, og en del nye spørsmål.


Sesong 3:

-Enda mer The Others/Dharma

-Walk kommer kanskje tilbake.

-Enda mer Danielle.

-Noen nye folk kommer (smålogisk siden Ana og Libby dør)

-Mer monsteret.

Så får vi svar på de største spørsmålene i sesong 3, mens noen blir stående ubesvart. The end of Lost.

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I den siste episoden: Så dere tre sammenheng fra flashback?


I det Ana Lucia og faren til Jack skal på en bar, åpner faren til Jack døra til bilen, og jeg synes det er Sawyer der. Tar jeg feil?



Det stemmer udmerket godt. Etter det går Christian (faren til Jack) inn på Coctail Baren. Der drikker han seg full og snakker sammen med Jack (flashback sesong 1). Dette er kommentert i LOST sesong 2 - USA - Les 1. innlegg *NO WAREZ*-tråden.

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vil man ha flashback i episode 22 om Michaels tid med the others ?



Det stemmer. Det blir "on-island"-flashback.


Episoden heter "Three Minutes" og kommer 17. mai :fun:

  • Guest starring are Malcolm David Kelley as Walt, M.C. Gainey as Mr. Friendly, Tania Raymonde as Alex, April Grace as Ms. Klugh and Michael Bowen as Pickett. Source: ABC

Pickett er nok mest sannsynelig en av The Others, kanskje Ms. Klugh er en fra Tail Section.


Resten av spoilerne for denne episoden:

  • Promobilder
  • 04/12 - Michael will be getting a flashback episode on May 17, during which we'll learn what, um, Others stuff he's been up to these last couple of months. Whatever it is he's been doing, I understand we'll meet a very different Michael than the one we left. Walt will also be back, and yes, he'll still be played by Malcolm David Kelley. I'm also hearing that [the] episode contains a great scene between Jack and Sawyer. Even better than the poker stuff. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 30/3 - Eps. #222 is called " Three Minutes". Guest star is 'Mrs Klugh', a smart, interesting, edgy, powerful businesswoman in her early 40's. I'm sorry I don't know who-centric it is.
  • 05/01 - A determined Michael convinces Jack and several castaways to help him rescue Walt from "The Others." Meanwhile, Charlie struggles with Eko's decision to discontinue building the church.

Neste episode, 21



  • Promo for "?"
  • Promobilder
  • new 05/03 - Lindelof ∧ Cuse: the question-mark episode is about finding out what that question mark on that map means. That episode is a great opportunity for us to finally put Locke and Mr. Eko together, sort of a philosophical battle of faith and will that we've been hinting at all season long. [it started] back when Eko gave Locke that film that he brought across in that hollowed-out Bible, [and] this is sort of the next step in their relationship. Just as a side note, the "?" episode was originally going to be the episode that Darren Aronofsky would direct prior to Rachel Weisz's pregnancy. We thought it would be a cool shout-out to him since he made the movie Pi, which was just the symbol for pi. It ended up being directed by a guy named Deran Sarafian. It was hard to find another Darren to direct the episode, but we managed. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 04/24 - Mr. Eko enlists Locke to help find a secret location he believes houses answers to the island's mysteries. Meanwhile, Jack and the other survivors struggle to cope with the horrific situation in the hatch. Guest starring are Adetokumboh McCormack as Yemi, Peter Lavin as Caldwell, Oliver Muirhead as monsignor, Melissa Bickerton as Joyce, Felix Williamson as Dr. Ian McVay, Nick Jameson as Richard Malkin and Brooke Mikey Anderson as Charlotte Malkin. Source: ABC
  • 04/18 - In a flashback at the airport, Charlotte delivers a message to Eko and Libby asks if if everything is all right. Source: Aloha Oe and call sheet at SurvivorSucksForum
  • 04/01 - Turns out that supercool black-light reveal is a major plot point that carries on through the rest of the season. "Oh yeah, big time," Damon said. "I mean, it plays huge in the finale, and even in episodes 21 through 24. Twenty-one is an episode that is very much on the sort of fundamental axis of that map, and it's a Locke and Eko story, which is going to be awesome. [Executive Producer] Carlton [Cuse] and I wrote it. That episode is just called '?' because that is the symbol Locke remembers from the map." Source: Kristin on E!Online
  • 03/23 - Claire (and possibly another Lostaway)-centric, featuring Charlotte a 16ish Australian who suffers a near death experience. Source: SecretAgentMan at TWoP [Note: It seems that it may not be Claire-centric but that she will appear in the flashback.]


Live Together, Die Alone


  • Promobilder
  • new 04/28 - After discovering something odd just offshore, Jack and Sayid come up with a plan to confront "The Others" and hopefully get Walt back. Meanwhile, Eko and Locke come to blows as Locke makes a potentially cataclysmic decision regarding the "button" and the hatch. Source: ABC
  • 04/19 - The two-hour finale is basically one big Desmond flashback. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 04/18 - [Quite spoilery, highlight at your own risk... at your own risk... In flashback that is set in 2000 in L.A., Libby buys Desmond coffee and offers him her boat. Charlie and Eko enter the hatch to get dynamite. Rose and Locke have a chat. Later in the episode, we see Desmond lying on the beach shore, waking up, being carried to the hatch, and Desmond and Kelvin walking through the jungle. While in prison (not sure if it's on island or flashback), Widmore tells Desmond off. There will be one scene of Desmond in the stadium. Dr. Candle will appear.] Source: Aloha Oe and call sheet at SurvivorSucksForum.
  • 04/18 - The episode will feature Gregg, an athletic stockbroker type who loves his job and the company that employs him. Source: SpoilerFix.com
  • 04/15 - The episode will feature two foreign computer technicans working in a remote drilling station. Source: SpoilerFix.com
  • 04/11 - Guest stars for season finale: Cameron, British (Rupert Murdochish) 50, rich steel tycoon, ruthless, competitive, protective of his daughter; Penelope, late 20's, beautiful, strong, daughter of Cameron, wants a simple life, to fall in love and start a family. Though she has no interest in her family's money she eventually uses it to get what she wants. Source: SecretAgentMan at TWoP
  • 04/05 - We'll see Vincent in the finale. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide

Edit: Flere bilder fra settet der Others-campen er

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