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Backstage - pensjonert diskusjonstråd for musikk


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Jeg har inrammede bilder av Black sabbath, AC/DC og Nirvana på veggen min...  :roll:


Du "er" ikke et verdens kjent metal band m. bildene hengt opp i studio ;)



Men det er ikke på Come Clarity man hører dette best, sjekk de mer eldre albumene.

Problemet er vel heller at jeg ikke er så glad i de eldre In Flames skivene.

Endret av headcleaver
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In Flames har alltid att innflytelse fra melodiøs metall, og dobbelgitar harmonier så naturligvis har de fått mye innflytelse fra Maiden. Men det er ikke på Come Clarity man hører dette best, sjekk de mer eldre albumene.



Han liker ikke det gamle, det har han sagt over 10 ganger!


Man Made God er digg :dribble:

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Come Clarity DVDen er kjip. "Live" my ass!



Live in studio :cool:



Fortsatt en løgn. Rent playback.


Det er absolutt ingen som har påstått at det ikke er playback. Det står ikke noe om det på In Flames sine internettsider og det står ikke noe om det på dvd'en eller coveret.


Så det er nok bare du som har forvetnet noe annet enn fakta

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Jeg forventer at en live-DVD ikke er rent playback, men så er jeg kanskje litt spesiell. Står det på nettsidene deres og/eller plata at det er playback da?


Edith: K da, jeg burde seff forventet at en "live in studio" DVD er playback. Skulle faen meg bare mangle. :)

Endret av Glint
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Må si jeg synes synd på de av dere stakkarslige jævler som ikke har hørt Garden Wall, sitter nå og hører på Chemotaxis (fra albumet Chimica) -> lyd. Skal se om jeg ikke får lagt ut hele sangen, kan bli et problem ettersom den er på 34 minutter.

Chemical side of man - 90%


Garden Wall is one of the most overlooked, yet insanely powerful progressive, metal bands around. It is a shame their albums are no longer available, but if you try hard you might find some of their CDs. They're currently on Mellow Records. The name Garden Wall comes from a pre-Genesis band in which Peter Gabriel and Tony Banks played during their school years. Rumour has it that they had only one gig with this name though. Since the frontman of Garden Wall, Alessandro Servalle, is a big Genesis fan and considers them one of his biggest influences he chose this name. Very interesting indeed.


Chimica is an Italian word and it means "chemistry". The reason why this album is titled Chimica is Seravelle wanted to show the chemical side of man. It's not that he thinks man is only chemistry; on the contrary he's being terribly ironic actually. Sometimes people forget they're mortal, they forget that something inside them, through chemical reactions, leads them where they don't want to go. Their internal chemical clock works and works; there is no way to fight against it. People are in some kind of chemical prison. The opening song "Chemotaxis", with a running time of over 34 minutes, is a perfect documentary that catalogs the process in people's immunitary system which uses to discover bacteria and virus and attach them. Life is a battle between organic, and therefore chemical, shapes.


Musically the song is full of interesting structures and key changes too. It is simply mindblowing what they have done. There are some motives running through the entire composition, some of them are pretty easy to hear, other less. When I spoke to Alessandro Seravelle a while ago, he revealed me that the atonal sections at the beginning of each suite in "Chemotaxis" and at the very final of it are constructed taking the band members' names plus the words "Garden" and "Wall". What they did is convert the letters into notes along the fretboard on the guitar. Seravelle, however, doesn't play it on a chromatic scale. It's a very original idea to say the least.


Garden Wall is led by vocalist, guitarist, keyboardist, composer, lyricist Alessandro Seravelle, who, without a shadow of doubt, is one of the most innovative, creative, and expressive artists of the present day. The level of complexity on this album can easily be compared to the most complex bands of the 70's as well as modern bands such as Spiral Architect, Zero Hour, Cynic, Watchtower, and Death. The lyrics are quite profound with a touch of surrealism.


At the moment this is the only Garden Wall CD I own. This is their fourth album, which is said to be a cross between their previous albums The Seduction of Madness and Path of Dreams. Their first two albums are said to be pure symphonic prog rock genius which I am dying to hear, while Chimica and its follow-up are more in your face type of albums.


Sjekk også ut Forget the Colours :shrug: (talking to deaf ears...)

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