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Black Metal:

Venom - Welcome to Hell - Sons of Satan (1981)
Venom - Welcome to Hell - Welcome to Hell (1981)
Venom - Welcome to Hell - Schizo (1981)
Venom - Welcome to Hell - Poison (1981)
Venom - Welcome to Hell - In League With Satan (1981)
Venom - Black Metal - Heaven's on Fire (1982)
Venom - Black Metal - Countess Bathory (1982)
Mercyful Fate - Melissa - Evil (1983)
Hellhammer - Apocalyptic Raids - The Third of the Storms (Evoked Damnation) (1984)
Hellhammer - Apocalyptic Raids - Massacra (1984)
Hellhammer - Apocalyptic Raids - Thriump of Death (1984)
Hellhammer - Apocalyptic Raids - Aggressor (1984)
Sodom - In the Sign of Evil - Burst Command Til War (1984)
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales - Into the Crypts of Rays (1984)
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales - Visions of Mortality (1984)
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales - Procreation (Of the Wicked) (1984)
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales - Return to the Eve (1984)
Bathory - Bathory - Necromansy (1984)
Bathory - Bathory - Sacrifice (1984)
Venom - At War with Satan - At War with Satan (1984)
Destruction - Eternal Devastation - Curse the Gods (1986)
Slaughter Lord - Taste of Blood - Legion (1986)
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark - Woman of Dark Desires (1987)
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark - Equimanthorn (1987)
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark - Enter the Eternal Fire (1987)
Mayhem - Deathcursh - Deathcrush (1987)
Mayhem - Deathcursh - Chainsaw Gutsfuck (1987)
Parabellum - Sacrilegio - Engendro 666 (1987)
Sarcófago - I.N.R.I. - Satanic Lust (1987)
Bathory - Blood Fire Death - A Fine Day to Die (19881008)
Tormentor - Anno Domini - Tormentor I (19881212)
Tormentor - Anno Domini - Elisabeth Bathori (19881212)
Tormentor - Anno Domini - Apocalypse (19881212)
Bathory - Hammerheart - Shores In Flames (19900416)
Bathory - Hammerheart - Valhalla (19900416)
Bathory - Hammerheart - Baptised In Fire And Ice (19900416)
Bathory - Hammerheart - Father To Son (19900416)
Bathory - Hammerheart - One Rode to Asa Bay (19900416)
Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom - Ritual (19900830)
Mayhem - Freezing Moon (Single) - Freezing Moon (Rec 1990, Rel July. 1996)
Mayhem - Live in Leipzig - Necrolust (Rec Nov. 1990, Rel July. 1993)
Mayhem - Live in Leipzig - Funeral Fog (Rec Nov. 1990, Rel July. 1993)
Mayhem - Live in Leipzig - Carnage (Rec Nov. 1990, Rel July. 1993)
Mayhem - Live in Leipzig - Pagan Fears (Rec Nov. 1990, Rel July. 1993)
Mayhem - Live in Leipzig - Pure Fucking Armageddon (Rec Nov. 1990, Rel July. 1993)
Samael - Worship Him - Worship Him (19910401)
Samael - Worship Him - Into the Pentagram (19910401)
Master's Hammer - Ritual - Cerna Svatozar (19911212)
Master's Hammer - Ritual - Vecny Svatozar (19911212)
Master's Hammer - Ritual - Jama Pekel (19911212)
Master's Hammer - Ritual - Zapalili jsme Onen Svet (19911212)
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky - Kathaarian Life Code (1992)
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky - In The Shadow of the Horns (1992)
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky - Paragon Belial (1992)
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky - Where Cold Winds Blow (1992)
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky - A Blaze in the Northern Sky (1992)
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky - The Pagan Winter (1992)
Burzum - Burzum - Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown (1992)
Burzum - Burzum - Ea, Lord of the Depths (1992)
Burzum - Burzum - Black Spell of Destruction (1992)
Burzum - Burzum - War (1992)
Burzum - Burzum - A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit (1992)
Burzum - Burzum - My Journey to the Stars (1992)
Varathron - Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins - The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep (19920430)
Samael - Blood Ritual - Beyond the Nothingness (1992)
Von - Satanic Blood - Devil Pig (1992)
Von - Satanic Blood - Satanic Blood (1992)
Thorns - Trøndertun - Aerie Descent (1992)
Emperor - Emperor - I Am the Black Wizards (19930530)
Emperor - Emperor - Wrath of the Tyrant (19930530)
Emperor - Emperor - Night of the Graveless Souls (19930530)
Emperor - Emperor - Cosmic Keys To My Creation & Times (19930530)
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon - Natassja in Eternal Sleep (19930624)
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon - Unholy Black Metal (19930624)
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon - To Walk the Infernal Fields (19930624)
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon - Under A Funeral Moon (19930624)
Mystifier - Göetia - And Elizabethan Devil Worshipper's Prayer Book (19930619)
Enslaved - Hordanes Land - Allfadr Odinn (1993)
Burzum - Aske - Stemmen fra Tårnet (19930310)
Burzum - Aske - Dominus Sathanas (19930310)
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var - Key to the Gate (19930820)
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var - En Ring til å Herske (19930820)
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var - Lost Wisdom (19930820)
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var - Når Himmelen Klarner (19930820)
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var - Snu Mikrokosmos Tegn (19930820)
Varathron - His Majesty at the Swamp - Son of the Moon (Act II) (19930820)
Varathron - His Majesty at the Swamp - Unholy Funeral (19930820)
Varathron - His Majesty at the Swamp - Lustful Father (19930820)
Varathron - His Majesty at the Swamp - Nightly Kingdoms (19930820)
Varathron - His Majesty at the Swamp - Flower Of My Youth (19930820)
Immortal - Pure Holocaust - Unsilent Storms in the North Abyss (19931101)
Immortal - Pure Holocaust - A Sign for the Norse Hordes to Ride (19931101)
Immortal - Pure Holocaust - The Sun No Longer Rises (19931101)
Immortal - Pure Holocaust - Frozen By Icewinds (19931101)
Immortal - Pure Holocaust - Storming Through Red Clouds and Holocaustwinds (19931101)
Immortal - Pure Holocaust - Eternal Years on the Path to the Cemetary Gates (19931101)
Immortal - Pure Holocaust - As the Eternity Opens (19931101)
Immortal - Pure Holocaust - Pure Holocaust (19931101)
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract - The Sign of Evil Existence (19931111)
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract - Transform All Suffering Into Plagues (19931111)
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract - Fgmenth, The Gift (19931111)
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract - Dive The Deepest Abyss (19931111)
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract - Exiled Archangels (19931111)
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract - His Sleeping Majesty (19931111)
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract - The Coronation Of The Serpent (19931111)
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract - The Fourth Knight of Revelation (19931111)
Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon - Down There... (19931113)
Sigh - Scorn Defeat - A Victory of Dakini (19931212)
Sigh - Scorn Defeat - The Knell (19931212)
Sigh - Scorn Defeat - Ready For The Final War (19931212)
Gorgoroth - A Sorcery Written in Blood - Sexual Bloodgargling (1993)
Gorgoroth - A Sorcery Written in Blood - (Under) The Pagan Megalith (1993)
Abigor - Lux Devicta Est - Finis Redemptionis / Crawl Back to Your Cross (1993)
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse - Into the Infinity of Thoughts (19940221)
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse - The Burning Shadows of Silence (19940221)
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse - Beyond The Great Vast Forest (19940221)
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse - Inno A Satana (19940221)
Immortal - Call of the Wintermoon (Live in Cologne, Germany (1994)
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss - Det Som En Gang Var (1994)
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (1994)
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss - Inn I Slottet Fra Drømmen (1994)
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger - Transilvanian Hunger (19940217)
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger - Skald Av Satans Sol (19940217)
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas - Life Eternal (19940524)
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (19940524)
Nifelheim - Nifelheim - Storm of Satan's Fire (19940606)
Enslaved - Frost - Loke (19940804)
Enslaved - Frost - Fenris (19940804)
Enslaved - Frost - Jotunblod (19940804)
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times - Dark Medieval Times (1994)
Satyricon - The Shadowthrone - Hvite Krists Død (1994)
Gorgoroth - Pentagram - Begravelsesnatt (1994)
Gorgoroth - Pentagram - Crushing the Scepter (Regaining a Lost Dominion) (1994)
Gorgoroth - Pentagram - Ritual (1994)
Gorgoroth - Pentagram - Drømmer om Død (1994)
Windir - Sogneriket - Norrøn Seier (1994)
Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid - Under Korpens Vinger (1994)
Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid - Glittertind (1994)
Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid - Hunnerkongen Sorgsvarte Ferd Over Steppene (1994)
Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid - Raabjorn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde (1994)
Marduk - Opus Nocturne - Materialzed In Stone (19941201)
Marduk - Opus Nocturne - Deme Quaden Thyrane (19941201)
Bethlehem - Dark Metal - Apocalyptic Dance (19940830)
Bethlehem - Dark Metal - Wintermute (19940830)
Abyssic Hate - Cleansing of an Ancient Race - Bloodletting (1994)
Immortal - Battles in the North - Battles in the North (19950515)
Immortal - Battles in the North - Grim and Frostbitten Kingdoms (19950515)
Immortal - Battles in the North - Throned By Blackstorms (19950515)
Immortal - Battles in the North - Moonrise Fields of Sorrow (19950515)
Immortal - Battles in the North - Cursed Realms of the Winterdemon (19905155)
Immortal - Battles in the North - Blashyrkh (Mighty Ravendark) (19950515)
Ulver - Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr I 5 Capitler - Capitel I: I Troldskog Faren Vild (19950230)
Ulver - Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr I 5 Capitler - Capitel III: Graablick blev hun vaer (19950230)
Mutiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood - Magic Shadows of A Tragic Past (19951230)
Mutiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood - Ravens Of My Funeral (19951230)
In the Woods… - Heart of the Ages - Yearning the Seeds of a New Dimension (1995)
In the Woods… - Heart of the Ages - Heart of the Ages (1995)
In the Woods… - Heart of the Ages - ...In the Woods (1995)
In the Woods… - Heart of the Ages - Wotan's Return (1995)
In the Woods… - Heart of the Ages - The Divinity of Wisdom (1995)
Fleurety - Min Tid Skal Komme - Fragmenter Av En Fortid (1995)
Fleurety - Min Tid Skal Komme - En Skikkelse I Horisonten (1995)
Fleurety - Min Tid Skal Komme - Englers Piler Har Ingen Brodd (1995)
Mysticum - In the Streams of Inferno - The Rest (1996)
Rotting Christ - Triarchy of the Lost Lovers - A Dynasty From the Ice (1996)
Burzum - Filosofem - Dunkelheit (19960101)
Burzum - Filosofem - Jesu Død (1996101)
Burzum - Filosofem - Erblicket Die Töchter Des Firmaments (1996101)
Judas Iscariot - Thy Dying Light (19960330)
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina - Du Som Hater Gud (19960422)
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina - Mother North (19960422)
Rotting Christ - Triarchy of the Lost Lovers - King of a Stellar War (19960430)
Arcturus - Aspera Hiems Symfonia - Fall of Man (19960603)
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust - En Vind av Sorg (1996)
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust - Triumphant Gleam (1996)
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust - The Hordes of Nebulah (1996)
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust - Hans Siste Vinter (1996)
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust - Quintessence (1996)
Gorgoroth - Antichrist - Bergtrollets Hevn (1996)
Gorgoroth - Antichrist - Gorgoroth (1996)
Gorgoroth - Antichrist - Possessed (By Satan) (1996)
Gorgoroth - Antichrist - Heavens Fall (1996)
Gorgoroth - Antichrist - Sorg (1996)
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst - Alt Lys Er Svinnet Hen (1996)
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst - Når Sjelen Hentes Til Helevete (1996)
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst - Da Den Kristne Satte Livet TIl (1996)
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst - Stormblåst (1996)
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst - Antikrist (1996)
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst - Dødsferd (1996)
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst - Vinder fra En Ensom Grav (1996)
Dark Funeral - The Secret of the Black Arts - The Secrets of the Black Arts (1996)
Bethlehem - Dictius Te Necare - Schatten Aus Der Alexander Welt (1996)
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk - Alsvartr (The Oath)
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk - Ye Entrancemperium (1997)
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk - Thus Spake the Nightspirit (1997)
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk - Ensorcelled by Khaos (1997)
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk - With Strength I Burn (1997)
Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk - The Acclamation of Bonds (1997)
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk - The Wanderer (1997)
Immortal - Blizzard Beasts - Blizzard Beasts (1997)
Immortal - Blizzard Beasts - Nebular Ravens Winter (1997)
Immortal - Blizzard Beasts - Suns That Sank Below (1997)
Immortal - Blizzard Beasts - Battlefields (1997)
Immortal - Blizzard Beasts - Mountains of Might (1997)
Immortal - Blizzard Beasts - Noctambulant (1997)
Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell - Revelation of Doom (1997)
Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell - Krig (1997)
Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell - Funeral Procession (1997)
Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell - Profetens Åpenbaring (1997)
Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell - Ødeleggelse of Undergang (1997)
Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell - Blood Stains The Circle (1997)
Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell - The Rite of Infernal Invocation (1997)
Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell - The Devil is Calling (1997)
Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant - Morning Palace (1997)
Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant - In Death's Embrace (1997)
Windir - Sóknardalr - Sognariket Sine Krigarar (1997)
Windir - Sóknardalr - Mørket Sin Fyrste (1997)
Nocturnal Breed - Aggressor - Metal Storm Rebels (1997)
Mayhem - Wolf's Lair Abyss - Symbols of Bloodswords (1997)
Ragnarok - Arising Realm - God is Wasted (1997)
Ragnarok - Arising Realm - En Verden Av Stein (1997)
Ragnarok - Arising Realm - Time Before Birth of Light (1997)
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal - Aatte Hymne til Ulven i Manden - Of Wolf And Fear (1997)
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal - Aatte Hymne til Ulven i Manden - Of Wolf And Passion (1997)
Limbonic Art - - In Abhorrence Dementia - A Venomous Kiss of Profane Grace (1997)
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns - Goat Horns (1997)
Dimmu Borgir - Godless Savage Garden - Metal Heart (Accept Cover) (1998)
Carpathian Forest - Black Shining Leather - Black Shining Leather (1998)
Carpathian Forest - Black Shining Leather - The Swordsmen (1998)
Kampfar - Norse - Norse (1998)
Ancient Rites - Fatherland - Mother Europe (1998)
Ancient Rites - Fatherland - 13th of October 1307 (1998)
Nargaroth - Herbstleyd - Herbstleyd (1998)
Nargaroth - Herbstleyd - Karmageddon (1998)
Tsjuder - Atum Nocturnem - Sodomizing the Lamb (1999)
Tsjuder - Atum Nocturnem - Beyond the Grave (1999)
Abigor - Channeling the Quintessence of Satan - Demon's Vortex (1999)
Paysage D'Hiver - Paysage d'Hiver - Welt Aus Eis (1999)
Limbonic Art - Ad Noctum - Dynasty of Death - As the Bell of Immolation Calls (1999)
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter - Withstand the Fall of Time (1999)
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter - Solarfall (1999)
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter - Tragedies Blows at Horizon (1999)
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter - Where Dark and Light Don't Differ (1999)
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter - At the Heart of Winter (1999)
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter - Years of Silent Sorrow (1999)
Emperor - IX Equilibrium - Curse You All Men! (1999)
Windir - Arntor - Byrjing (1999)
Windir - Arntor - Arntor, Ein Windir (1999)
Windir - Arntor - Kong Hydnes Haug (1999)
Windir - Arntor - Svartesmeden og Lundamyrstrollet (1999)
Windir - Arntor - Kampen (1999)
Windir - Arntor - Saknet (1999)
Windir - Arntor - Ending (1999)
Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist (Нехристь) - The Funeral Wind Born in Oriana (1999)
Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist (Нехристь) - Night Before the Fight (1999)
Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist (Нехристь) - Чёрный ворон (Black Raven) (1999)
Judas Iscariot - Heaven in Flames - An Eternal Kingdom of Fire (1999)
Judas Iscariot - Heaven in Flames - From Hateful Visions (1999)
Summoning - Stronghold - Long Lost To Where No Pathway Goes (1999)
Lord Belial - Unholy Crusade - War Of Hate (1999)
Lord Belial - Unholy Crusade - Lord of Evil Spirits (1999)
Lord Belial - Unholy Crusade - Divide et Impera (1999)
Immortal - Damned in Black - Triumph (2000)
Immortal - Damned in Black - Wrath from Above (2000)
Immortal - Damned in Black - Against the Tide (2000)
Immortal - Damned in Black - My Dimension (2000)
Immortal - Damned in Black - The Darkness That Embrace Me (2000)
Immortal - Damned in Black - In Our Mystic Visions Blest (2000)
Immortal - Damned in Black - Damned in Black (2000)
Mayhem - Grand Declaration of War - In the Lies Where Upon You Lay (2000)
Gorgoroth - Incipit Satan - A World to Win (2000)
Gorgoroth - Incipit Satan - Unchain My Heart (2000)
Gorgoroth - Incipid Satan - Ein eim av blod og helvetesild (2000)
Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions - Betrayed (2000)
Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions - Depression - Part II (2000)
Nargaroth - Fuck Off Nowadays Black Metal - Tod den Feinden (2000)
Mystic Circle - Kriegsgötter II - One Rode to Asa Bay (Bathory Cover) (2000)
Graveland - Creed of Iron / Prawo stali - White Beasts of Wotan / Białe bestie Swaroga (2000)
Carpathian Forest - Strange Old Brew - Bloodcleansing (2000)
Carpathian Forest - Strange Old Brew - Mask of the Slave (2000)
Carpathian Forest - Strange Old Brew - Martyr / Sacrificulum (2000)
Carpathian Forest - Strange Old Brew - The Suicide Song (2000)
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising - I Am the Wargod (Ode to the Battle Slain) (2000)
Taake - Over Bjoergvin graater himmerik - Part IV (2000)
Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro - The Supreme Necrotic Audnance (2001)
Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro - When Humanity Is Cancer (2001)
Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro - Submission Is for the Weak (2001)
Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro - Pandemonic Hyperblast (2001)
Absu - Tara - Pillars of Mercy (2001)
Absu - Tara - From Ancient Times (Starless Skies Burn to Ash) (2001)
Absu - Tara - Stone of Destiny (...For Magh Slecht and Ard Righ) (2001)
Varathron - His Majesty at the Swamp (2001 Re-issue) - The Grim Palace (20010112)
Grabnebelfürsten - Von Schemen und Trugbildern - Von Schemen und Trugbildern (2001)
Grabnebelfürsten - Von Schemen und Trugbildern - Was Bleibt (2001)
Grabnebelfürsten - Von Schemen und Trugbildern - Sturmpropheten (2001)
Grabnebelfürsten - Von Schemen und Trugbildern - Leben mit der Angst (2001)
Khold - Masterpiss of Pain - Nattpyre (2001)
Khold - Masterpiss of Pain - Norne (2001)
Khold - Masterpiss of Pain - Svart Helligdom (2001)
Khold - Masterpiss of Pain - Kaldbleke Hender (2001)
Khold - Masterpiss of Pain - Bortvandring (2001)
Khold - Masterpiss of Pain - Jol (2001)
Darkthrone - Plaguewielder - I, Voidhanger (2001)
Emperor - Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise - Empty (2001)
Windir - 1184 - Todeswalzer (2001)
Windir - 1184 - 1184 (2001)
Windir - 1184 - Dance of Mortal Lust (2001)
Windir - 1184 - The Spirit Lord (2001)
Windir - 1184 - Heidra (2001)
Windir - 1184 - Destroy (2001)
Windir - 1184 - Black New Age (2001)
Windir - 1184 - Journey to the End (2001)
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia - Blessings upon the Throne of Tyranny (2001)
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia - Kings of the Carnival Creation (2001)
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia - Hybrid Stigmata (2001)
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia - Puritania (2001)
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia - Sympozium (2001)
Nargaroth - Black Metal ist Krieg - Black Metal ist Krieg (2001)
Nargaroth - Black Metal ist Krieg - Far Beyond the Stars (Azhubham Haani cover) (2001)
Nargaroth - Black Metal ist Krieg - Seven Tears Are Flowing to the River (2001)
Nargaroth - Black Metal ist Krieg - I Burn for You (Lord Foul cover) (2001)
Nargaroth - Black Metal ist Krieg - Pisen pro Satana (Root cover) (2001)
Nargaroth - Black Metal ist Krieg - Amarok - Zorn Des Lammes III (2001)
Nargaroth - Black Metal ist Krieg - Erik, May You Rape the Angels (2001)
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness - One By One (2002)
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness - Sons of the Northern Darkness (2002)
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness - Tyrants (2002)
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness - Demonium (2002)
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness - Within the Dark Mind (2002)
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness - In My Kingdom Cold (2002)
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness - Antarctica (2002)
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness - Beyond the North Waves (2002)
Taake - Over Bjoergvin Graater Himmelrik - Part IV (20020101)
Ancêtres - Dieu... dévastateur - Intro (2002)
Ancêtres - Votre Sang Est Ma Victoire - Votre Sang Est Ma Victoire (2004)
Shining - III - Angst - Självdestruktivitetens emissarie - Svart Industriell Olycka (2002)
Beatrik - Journey Through the End of Life - Buried Among Skeletal Woods (2002)
Dub Buk - Iду на Ви! - Iду на Ви! (Idu Na Wy!) (2002)
Nuit Noire - Lutina - Lutina (2002)
Rotting Christ - Genesis - Daemons (2002)
Rotting Christ - Genesis - Lex Talionis (2002)
Rotting Christ - Genesis - Nightmare (2002)
Nargaroth - Rasluka Part II - ...Und Ich Sah Sonn' Nimmer Heben (2002)
Nargaroth - Rasluka Part II - Abschiedsbrief des Prometheus (2002)
Forgotten Tomb - Songs to Leave - Entombed By Winter (2002)
Forgotten Tomb - Songs to Leave - Steal My Corpse (2002)
Forgotten Tomb - Songs to Leave - Disheartenment (2002)
Satyricon - Volcano - Fuel For Hatered (2002)
Khold - Phantom - Hekseformular i Vev (2002)
Sólstafir - Í blóði og anda - Árstíðir Dauðans (2002)
Crebain - Night of Stormcrow - Cries Of My Motherland (2003)
Disiplin - Disiplin - The Death Song (2003)
Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion - Satanic Black Devotion (2003)
Koldbrann - Nekrotisk Inkvisition - Kaosmanifest (2003)
Hate Forest - Purity - Domination (2003)
Funeral Mist - Salvation - In Manus Tuas (2003)
Naglfar - Sheol - I Am Vengeance (2003)
Einherjer - Blot - Ironbound (2003)
Einherjer - Blot - Dead Knight's Rite (2003)
1349 - Liberation - I Breathe Spears (2003)
1349 - Liberation - Satanic Propaganda (2003)
Windir - Likferd - Resurrection of the Wild (2003)
Windir - Likferd - Martyrium (2003)
Windir - Likferd - Despot (2003)
Windir - Likferd - Blodsvik (2003)
Windir - Likferd - Fagning (2003)
Windir - Likferd - Dauden (2003)
Windir - Likferd - Ætti Mørkna (2003)
Satanic Warmaster - Opferblut - Black Destiny (2003)
Aaskereia - Mit Raben und Wölfen - Gedanken (2003)
Aaskereia - Mit Raben und Wölfen - Aaskereia (2003)
A Forest - The Spirit of the Forest (to Bleed Northern Spirit) - A Walk through the Forest Unknown (2003)
Nargaroth - Geliebte des Regens - Wenn Regen Liebt (2003)
Nargaroth - Geliebte des Regens - Von Scherbengestalten und Regenspaziergang (2003)
Enslaved - Below the Lights - As Fire Swept Clean the Earth (2003)
Enslaved - Below the Lights - Havenless (2003)
Slavland - Zapomniane Kurhany - Nocny Majestat (2003)
Slavland - Zapomniane Kurhany - Za Ziemię Ojców (2003)
Leviathan - The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide - Fucking Your Ghost In Chains Of Ice (2003)
Leviathan - The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide - Sardoniscorn (2003)
Lord Belial - Purify Sweden - Come to the Sabbath (Mercyful Fate Cover) (2003)
Carpathian Forest - Defending the Throne of Evil - Hymne til Døden (2003)
Nargaroth - Rasluka Part I - Rasluka (2004)
Behexen - By the Blessing of Satan - Fist of the Satanist (2004)
Satanic Warmaster - ...of the Night - ...of the Night (2004)
Darkestrah - Sary Oy - Jashil Oy (2004)
Deathspell Omega - Si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice - Sola Fide I (2004)
Deathspell Omega - Si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice - Sola Fide II (2004)
Deathspell Omega - Si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice - Blessed Are the Dead Whiche Dye in the Lorde (2004)
Deathspell Omega - Si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice - Hétoïmasia (2004)
Deathspell Omega - Si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice - Carnal Malefactor (2004)
Deathspell Omega - Si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice - Drink the Devil's Blood (2004)
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice - Jubilate Deo (O Be Joyful In The Lord) (2004)
Nattefrost - Blood & Vomit - Sanctum 666 (2004)
Nachtmystium - Demise - Solitary Voyage (2004)
Nachtmystium - Demise - The Glorious Moment (2004)
Nachtkult - Für Immer Krieg W.S.D.W.U. - Krieg für Immer (2004)
Khold - Mørke Gravers Kammer - Død (2004)
Slavland - Szepty Starych Debów - Objawienie (2004)
Slavland - Szepty Starych Debów - W Blasku Gromu (2004)
Slavland - Szepty Starych Debów - Lipowe Bogi (2004)
Enslaved - Isa - Isa (2004)
Enslaved - Isa - Bounded By Allegiance (2004)
Enslaved - Isa - Return To Yggdrasil (2004)
Sykdom - Intet Liv - Krig og Sykdom (2004)
Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell - Malignant Coronation (2004)
Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell - Ghoul (2004)
Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell - Possessed (2004)
Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell - Lord of Swords (2004)
Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell - Helvete (2004)
Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell - Mouth of Madness (2004)
Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell - Unholy Paragon (2004)
Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell - Sacrifice (2004) (Bathory Cover)
Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell - Morbid Lust (2004)
1349 - Hellfire - Nathicana (2005)
1349 - Beyond the Apocalypse - Beyond the Apocalypse (2004)
Rotting Christ - Sanctus Diavolos - Thy Wings Thy Horns Thy Sin (2004)
Rotting Christ - Sanctus Diavolos - Visions of a Blind Order (2004)
Rotting Christ - Sanctus Diavolos - Athanati Este (2004)
Rotting Christ - Sanctus Diavolos - Tyrannical (2004)
Rotting Christ - Sanctus Diavolos - Shades of Evil (2004)
Rotting Christ - Sanctus Diavolos - Doctrine (2004)
Rotting Christ - Sanctus Diavolos - Sanctus Diavolos (2004)
Leviathan - Tentacles of Whorror - Vexed and Vomit Hexed (2004)
Leviathan - Tentacles of Whorror - Requiem For A Turd World (2004)
Darkestrah - Embrace of Memory - Akyr Zaman (2005)
Hemnur - Satanic Hellride - Skullfucking Jesus (2005)
Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung - Weltanschauung (2005)
Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung - Hailed Be The Heroes (2005)
Satanic Warmaster - Carelian Satanist Madness - The Vampiric Tyrant (2005)
Sykdom - Mjollnir - I Am God (2005)
Sykdom - Mjollnir - Fucking War (2005)
Khold - Krek - Blod og Blek (2005)
Alcest - Le Secret - Le Secret (2005)
Alcest - Le Secret - Élévation (2005)
Sykdom - Under Krigen - Urdur, Verdandi, Skuld (2006)
Desolation Triumphalis - Forever Bound to Nothingness - Arcane of Supreme Rise (2006)
Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay - A Seed For Suffering (2006)
Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay - Keep Them Open (2006)
Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay - Chosen By No One (2006)
Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay - Circumvention (2006)
Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay - Eternal Ground (2006)
Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay - The Antichrist Messiah (2006)
Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay - Here's To Hoping (2006)
Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay - Abstract Nihilism (2006)
Peste Noire - La sanie des siècles - panégyrique de la dégénérescence - Le Mort Joyeux (2006)
Peste Noire - La sanie des siècles - panégyrique de la dégénérescence - Spleen (2006)
Peste Noire - La sanie des siècles - panégyrique de la dégénérescence - Dueil Angoisseus [texte de Christine de Pisan, 1362-1431] (2006)
Summoning - Oath Bound - Bauglir (2006)
Summoning - Oath Bound - Across the Streaming Tide (2006)
Summoning - Oath Bound - Land of the Dead (2006)
Carpathian Forest - Fuck You All!!!! Caput Tuum in Ano Est - Start up the Incinerator (Here Comes Another Useless Fool) (2006)
Carpathian Forest - Fuck You All!!!! Caput Tuum in Ano Est - Submit to Satan!!! (2006)
Carpathian Forest - Fuck You All!!!! Caput Tuum in Ano Est - Everyday I Must Suffer! (2006)
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars - Queen of the Borrowed Light (2006)
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars - Face in a Night Time Mirror (Part 1) (2006)
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars - Face in a Night Time Mirror (Part 2) (2006)
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars - (A Shimmering Radiance) Diadem of 12 Stars (2006)
Negura Bunget - OM - Țesarul de lumini" ("Weaver of Lights") (2006)
Negura Bunget - OM - Cunoașterea tăcută (Silenced Knowledge) (2006)
Negura Bunget - OM - Dedesuptul (The Underneath) (2006)
Negura Bunget - OM - Hora soarelui (Sun's Circle Dance) (2006)
Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells - Борозни богів (Furrows of Gods) (2006)
Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells - Коли пломінь перетворюється на попіл (When the Flame Turns to Ashes) (2006)
Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells - Самітність (Solitude) (2006)
Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells - Вічність (Eternity) (2006)
Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells - Українська повстанська армія (Ukrainian Insurgent Army) (2006)
Rotting Christ - Theogonia - The Sign Of Prime Creation (2007)
Rotting Christ - Theogonia - Keravnos Kivernitos (2007)
Rotting Christ - Theogonia - Enuma Elish (2007)
Rotting Christ - Theogonia - Nemecic (2007)
Rotting Christ - Theogonia - Phobos' Synagogue (2007)
Rotting Christ - Theogonia - Gaia Tellus (2007)
Rotting Christ - Theogonia - Rege Diabolicus (2007)
Rotting Christ - Theogonia - He, The Aethyr (2007)
Rotting Christ - Theogonia - Helios Hyperion (2007)
Rotting Christ - Theogonia - Threnody (2007)


Furze - UTD - Beneath the Wings of the Black Vomit Above (2007)
Nargaroth - Semper Fidelis - Semper Fi (2007)
Nargaroth - Semper Fidelis - Der Satan ist's (2007)
Nargaroth - Semper Fidelis - Hate Song (2007)
Forgotten Tomb - Negative Megalomania - A Dish Best Served Cold (2007)
Forgotten Tomb - Negative Megalomania - No Rehab (2007)
Forgotten Tomb - Negative Megalomania - Negative Megalomania (2007)
Forgotten Tomb - Negative Megalomania - The Scapegoat (2007)
Forgotten Tomb - Negative Megalomania - Blood And Concrete (2007)
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao - Wall of Water (2007)
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao - Illuminate Eleminate (2007)
Mayhem - Ordo ad Chao - Psychic Horns (2007)
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao - Keys To The Storms (2007)
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao - Anti (2007)
Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Pt. I - Assassins (2008)
Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Pt. I - Ghosts of Grace (2008)
Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Pt. I - Your True Enemy (2008)
Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Pt. I - Code Negative (2008)
Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Pt. I - Omnivore (2008)
Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Pt. I - Seasick, Part I: Drowned at Dusk (2008)
Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Pt. I - Seasick, Part II: Oceanborne (2008)
Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Pt. I - Seasick, Part III: Silent Sunrise (2008)
Revenge - Infiltration.Downfall.Death - Sterilization (Procreation Denied) (2008)
Revenge - Infiltration.Downfall.Death - By Force (The Only Option) (2008)
Funeral Mist - Maranatha - White Stone (2009)
Funeral Mist - Maranatha - A New Light (2009)
Funeral Mist - Maranatha - Blessed Curse (2009)
Funeral Mist - Maranatha - Living Temples (2009)
Peste Noire - Ballade cuntre lo anemi Francor - La Mesniee Mordrissoire (2009)
Peste Noire - Ballade cuntre lo anemi Francor - Ballade cuntre les anemis de la France - de François Villon (2009)
Peste Noire - Ballade cuntre lo anemi Francor - Soleils Couchants - De Verlaine (2009)
Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice of Steel - The Voice of Steel (2009)
Immortal - All Shall Fall - All Shall Fall (2009)
Immortal - All Shall Fall - The Rise of Darkness (2009)
Nargaroth - Jahreszeiten - Frühling (2009)
Nargaroth - Jahreszeiten - Sommer (2009)
Rotting Christ - Aealo - Aealo (2010)
Rotting Christ - Aealo - Eon Aenaos (2010)
Rotting Christ - Aealo - Demonon Vrosis (2010)
Rotting Christ - Aealo - Noctis Era (2010)
Rotting Christ - Aealo - dub-sag-ta-ke (2010)
Rotting Christ - Aealo - Fire, Death and Fear (2010)
Rotting Christ - Aealo - ...Pir Threontai (2010)
Rotting Christ - Aealo - Thou Art Lord (2010)
Rotting Christ - Aealo - Santa Muerte (2010)
Nachtmystium - Addicts: Black Meddle Pt. II - High on Hate (2010)
Nachtmystium - Addicts: Black Meddle Pt. II - Nightfall (2010)
Nachtmystium - Addicts: Black Meddle Pt. II - No Funeral (2010)
Nachtmystium - Addicts: Black Meddle Pt. II - Ruined Life Continuum (2010)
Liturgy - Aesthethica - Returner (2011)
Svarttjern - Towards the Ultimate - Breathing Soil (2011)
Wodensthrone - Curse - Jormungandr (2012)
Wodensthrone - Curse - First Light (2012)
Wodensthrone - Curse - The Great Darkness (2012)
Rotting Christ - Κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού - In Yumen / Xibalba (2013)
Rotting Christ - Κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού - Cine Iubeste Si Lasa (2013)

Death Metal:

Mantas - Death by Metal - Legion Of Doom (1984)
Possessed - Seven Churches - The Exorcist (1985)
Possessed - Seven Churches - Pentagram (1985)
Possessed - Seven Churches - Burning in Hell (1985)
Possessed - Seven Churches - Holy Hell (1985)
Death - Scream Bloody Gore - Infernal Death (1987)
Death - Scream Bloody Gore - Zombie Ritual (1987)
Death - Scream Bloody Gore - Mutilation (1987)
Death - Scream Bloody Gore - Evil Dead (1987)
Death - Scream Bloody Gore - Beyond The Unholy Grave (1987)
Death - Scream Bloody Gore - Land Of No Return (1987)
Sepultura - Schizophrenia - From The Past Comes The Storm (1987)
Sepultura - Schizophrenia - To the Wall (1987)
Sepultura - Schizophrenia - Inquisition Symphony (1987)
Sepultura - Schizophrenia - Screams Behind the Shadows (1987)
Sepultura - Schizophrenia - Septic Schizo (1987)
Sepultura - Schizophrenia - R.I.P. (Rest in Pain) (1987)
Sepultura - Schizophrenia - Troops of Doom (1987)
Mutilated - Psychodeath Lunatics - The Crown of Death (1988)
Mutilated - Psychodeath Lunatics - Funerarium (1988)
Mutilated - Psychodeath Lunatics - Hysterical Corpse Dislocation (1988)
Death - Leprosy - Leprosy (1988)
Death - Leprosy - Born Dead (1988)
Death - Leprosy - Forgotten Past (1988)
Death - Leprosy - Left to Die (1988)
Death - Leprosy - Pull the Plug (1988)
Death - Leprosy - Choke On It (1988)
Autopsy - Severed Survival - Charred Remains (1989)
Autopsy - Severed Survival - Service For A Vacant Coffin (1989)
Autopsy - Severed Survival - Disembowel (1989)
Autopsy - Severed Survival - Ridden With Disease (1989)
Autopsy - Severed Survival - Impending Dread (1989)
Autopsy - Severed Survival - Embalmed (1989)
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness - Immortal Rites (1989)
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness - Suffocation (1989)
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness - Maze of Torment (1989)
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness - Lord of All Fevers & Plague (1989)
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness - Chapel of Ghouls (1989)
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness - Blasphemy (1989)
Repulsion - Horrified - The Stench of Burning Death (1989)
Repulsion - Horrified - Slaughter of the Innocent (1989)
Repulsion - Horrified - Driven to Insanity (1989)
Repulsion - Horrified - Black Breath (1989)
Repulsion - Horrified - Horrified (1989)
Obituary - Slowly We Rot - Internal Bleeding (1989)
Obituary - Slowly We Rot - Godly Beings (1989)
Obituary - Slowly We Rot - Slowly We Rot (1989)
Obituary - Slowly We Rot - Immortal Visions (1989)
Obituary - Slowly We Rot - Suffocation (1989)
Obituary - Slowly We Rot - Deadly Intention (1989)
Bolt Thrower - Realm of Chaos - Eternal War(1989)
Bolt Thrower - Realm of Chaos - Through The Eye Of Terror (1989)
Bolt Thrower - Realm of Chaos - Dark Millennium (1989)
Bolt Thrower - Realm of Chaos - All That Remains (1989)
Bolt Thrower - Realm of Chaos - Lost Souls Domain (1989)
Bolt Thrower - Realm of Chaos - Plague Bearer (1989)
Bolt Thrower - Realm of Chaos - World Eater (1989)
Bolt Thrower - Realm of Chaos - Drowned in Torment (1989)
Carcass - Symphonies of Sickness - Reek of Putrefactiom (1989)
Carcass - Symphonies of Sickness - Exhume To Consume (1989)
Carcass - Symphonies of Sickness - Excoriating Abdominal Emanation (1989)
Carcass - Symphonies of Sickness - Raptured in Purulence (1989)
Terrorizer - World Downfall - Fear of Napalm (1989)
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse - Dehydrated (1989)
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse - Deify Thy Master (1989)
Paradise Lost - Lost Paradise - Paradise Lost (1990)
Paradise Lost - Lost Paradise - Our Saviour (1990)
Death - Spiritual Healing - Living Monstrosity (1990)
Carnage - Dark Recollections - Dark Recollections (1990)
Carnage - Dark Recollections - Torn Apart (1990)
Carnage - Dark Recollections - Infestation of Evil (1990)
Entombed - Left Hand Path - Left Hand Path (1990)
Entombed - Left Hand Path - Drowned (1990)
Entombed - Left Hand Path - Revel in Flesh (1990)
Entombed - Left Hand Path - The Truth Beyond (1990)
Entombed - Left Hand Path - Carnal Leftovers (1990)
Deicide - Deicide - Lunatic of God's Creation (1990)
Deicide - Deicide - Sacrificial Suicide (1990)
Deicide - Deicide - Oblivious to Evil (1990)
Deicide - Deicide - Dead By Dawn (1990)
Deicide - Deicide - Crucifixation (1990)
Napalm Death - Harmony Corruption - Vision Conquest (1990)
Napalm Death - Harmony Corruption - In The Truth Be Known (1990)
Napalm Death - Harmony Corruption - Mindsnare (1990)
Nirvana 2002 - Disembodied Spirits - Slumber (1990)
Cannibal Corpse - Eaten Back to Life - Shredded Humans (1990)
Cannibal Corpse - Eaten Back to Life - Edible Autopsy (1990)
Cannibal Corpse - Eaten Back to Life - A Skull Full of Maggots (1990)
Nocturnus - The Key - Lake of Fire (1990)
Nocturnus - The Key - Standing in Blood (1990)
Nocturnus - The Key - Visions From Beyond the Grave (1990)
Nocturnus - The Key - Neolithic (1990)
Nocturnus - The Key - Undead Journey (1990)
Nocturnus - The Key - Andromeda Strain (1990)
Nocturnus - The Key - Droid Sector (1990)
Obituary - Cause of Death - Chopped in Half (1990)
Obituary - Cause of Death - Cause of Death (1990)
Master - Master - Unknown Soldier (1990)
Master - Master - Mangled Dehumanizon (1990)
Master - Master - Pay to Die (1990)
Darkthrone - Soulside Journey - Cromlech (1991)
Darkthrone - Soulside Journey - Accumulation of Generalization (1991)
Asphyx - The Rack - Vermin (1991)
Asphyx - The Rack - Pages in Blood (1991)
Asphyx - The Rack - The Rack (1991)
Autopsy - Mental Funeral - Twisted Mass of Burnt Decay (1991)
Autopsy - Mental Funeral - In the Grip of Winter (1991)
Autopsy - Mental Funeral - Slaughterday (1991)
Malevolent Creation - The Ten Commandments - Memorial Arrangements (1991)
Suffocation - Human Waste - Catatonia (1991)
Suffocation - Human Waste - Human Waste (1991)
Dismember - Like an Ever Flowing Stream - Override of the Overture (1991)
Dismember - Like an Ever Flowing Stream - And So Is Life (1991)
Morbid Angel - Blessed Are The Sick - Abominations (1991)
Immolation - Dawn of Possession - Into Everlasting Fire (1991)
Immolation - Dawn of Possession - Those Left Behind (1991)
Immolation - Dawn of Possession - Immolation (1991)
Bolt Thrower - War Master - Intro... Unleashed (Upon Mankind) (1991)
Bolt Thrower - War Master - What Dwells Within (1991)
Bolt Thrower - War Master - The Shreds of Sanity (1991)
Convulse - World Without God - World Without God (1991)
Convulse - World Without God - Putrid Intercourse (1991)
Convulse - World Without God - Incantation of Restoration (1991)
Convulse - World Without God - Infernal End (1991)
Tiamat - The Astral Sleep - Lady Temptress (1991)
Tiamat - The Astral Sleep - Sumerian Cry (Part III) (1991)
Tiamat - The Astral Sleep - I Am the King (Of Dreams) (1991)
Pestilence - Testimony of the Ancients - The Secrecies of Horror (1991)
Pestilence - Testimony of the Ancients - Twisted Truth (1991)
Pestilence - Testimony of the Ancients - Land of Tears (1991)
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence - Mother Man (1991)
Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten - Liege of Inveracity (1991)
Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten - Infecting the Crypts (1991)
Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten - Seeds Of The Suffering (1991)
Pungent Stench - Been Caught Buttering - Brainpan Blues (1991)
Death - Human - Flattening of Emotions (1991)
Death - Human - Suicide Machine (1991)
Death - Human - Lack of Comprehension (1991)
Carcass - Necroticism - Corporal Jigsore Quandary (1991)
Carcass - Necroticism - Symposium of Sickness (1991)
Carcass - Necroticism - Carneous Cacoffiny (1991)
Entombed - Clandestine - Living Dead (1991)
Entombed - Clandestine - Sinners Bleed (1991)
Entombed - Clandestine - Evilyn (1991)
Entombed - Clandestine - Blessed Be (1991)
Entombed - Clandestine - Chaos Breed (1991)
Entombed - Clandestine - Crawl (1991)
Entombed - Clandestine - Severe Burns (1991)
Sinister - Cross the Styx - Perennial Mourning (1992)
Sinister - Cross the Styx - Cross the Styx (1992)
Deicide - Legion - Satan Spawn, The Caco-Demon (1992)
Deicide - Legion - Dead But Dreaming (1992)
Deicide - Legion - Repent to Die (1992)
Deicide - Legion - Trifixion (1992)
Deicide - Legion - Behead The Prophet (No Lord Shall Live) (1992)
Deicide - Legion - Revocate The Agitator (1992)
Incantation - Onward to Golgotha - Golgotha (1992)
Incantation - Onward to Golgotha - Rotting Spiritual Embodiment (1992)
Incantation - Onward to Golgotha - Unholy Massacre (1992)
Incantation - Onward to Golgotha - Christening the Afterbirth (1992)
Incantation - Onward to Golgotha - Blasphemous Cremation (1992)
My Dying Bride - As the Flower Withers - The Forever People (1992)‏
My Dying Bride - As the Flower Withers - Vast Choirs (1992)‏
My Dying Bride - As the Flower Withers - Erotic Literature (1992)‏
Cannibal Corpse - Tomb of the Mutilated - Hammer Smashed Face (1992)
Cannibal Corspe - Tomb of the Mutilated - I Cum Blood (1992)
Cannibal Corspe - Tomb of the Mutilated - Addicted to Vaginal Skin (1992)
Cannibal Corspe - Tomb of the Mutilated - Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt (1992)
Cannibal Corspe - Tomb of the Mutilated - Beyond the Cemetery (1992)
Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus - The Gathering (1992)
Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus - Exile of the Sons of Uisliu (1992)
Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus - Signs From the North Side (1992)
Obituary - The End Complete - The End Complete (1992)
Malevolent Creation - Retribution - Coronation of our Domain (1992)
Edge of Sanity - Unorthodox - Dead But Dreaming (1992)
Morbid Angel - Covenant - Rapture (1993)
Morbid Angel - Covenant - Vengeance is Mine (1993)
Morbid Angel - Covenant - Lions Den (1993)
Morbid Angel - Covenant - Blood On My Hands (1993)
Cynic - Focus - Veil of Maya (1993)
Cynic - Focus - Celestial Voyage (1993)
Cynic - Focus - I'm But a Wave To... (1993)
Cynic - Focus - Uroboric Forms (1993)
Cynic - Focus - Textures (1993)
Cynic - Focus - How Could I (1993)
Carcass - Heartwork - Buried Dreams (1993)
Carcass - Heartwork - Heartwork (1993)
Carcass - Heartwork - This Mortal Coil (1993)
Carcass - Heartwork - Blind Bleeding the Blind (1993)
Entombed - Wolverine Blues - Out of Hand (1993)
Dissection - The Somberlain - The Somberlain (1993)
Dissection - The Somberlain - Frozen (1993)
Obituary - World Demise - Don't Care (1994)
Obituary - World Demise - World Demise (1994)
Obituary - World Demise - Kill For Me (1994)
Napalm Death - Fear, Emptiness, Despair - Armageddon X 7 (1994)
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding - Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead (1994)
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding - Fucked With A Knife (1994)
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding - Stripped, Raped and Strangled (1994)
Amorphis - Tales From The Thousand Lakes - The Castaway (1994)
Amorphis - Tales From The Thousand Lakes - Black Winter Day (1994)
Amorphis - Tales From The Thousand Lakes - In the Beginning (1994)
Bolt Thrower - ...For Victory - When Glory Beckons (1994)
Bolt Thrower - ...For Victory - ...For Victory (1994)
Bolt Thrower - ...For Victory - Silent Demise (1994)
Bolt Thrower - ...For Victory - Armageddon Bound (1994)
Incantation - Mortal Throne of Nazarene - Demonic Incarnate (1994)
In Flames - Lunar Strain - Behind Space (1994)
In Flames - Lunar Strain - Lunar Strain (1994)
In Flames - Lunar Strain - Starforsaken (1994)
In Flames - Lunar Strain - Everlost Part II (1994)
In Flames - Lunar Strain - Upon An Oaken Throne (1994)
In Flames - Lunar Strain - In Flames (1994)
In Flames - Subterranean - Stand Ablaze (1994)
In Flames - Subterranean - Subterranean (1994)
Death - Symbolic - Symbolic (1995)
Death - Symbolic - Zero Tolerance (1995)
Death - Symbolic - Empty Words (1995)
Death - Symbolic - Without Judgement(1995)
Death - Symbolic - Crystal Mountain (1995)
Suffocation - Pierced From Within - Pierced From Within (1995)
Suffocation - Pierced From Within - Depths of Depravity (1995)
Opeth - Orchid - In Mist She Was Standig (1995)
Deicide - Once Upon the Cross - When Satan Rules His World (1995)
Deicide - Once Upon the Cross - Kill The Christian (1995)
Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane Rough Mix - Where Dead Angels Lie (1995)
Dark Tranquillity - The Gallery - 22 Acacia Avenue (Iron Maiden Cover) (1995)
Cryptopsy - None So Vile - Crown of Horns (1996)
Cryptopsy - None So Vile - Slit Your Guts (1996)
Cryptopsy - None So Vile - Grave of the Fathers (1996)
Cryptopsy - None So Vile - Dead and Dripping (1996)
Cryptopsy - None So Vile - Benedictine Convulsion (1996)
Cryptopsy - None So Vile - Phobophile (1996)
Deceased - Fearless Undead Machines - Fearless Undead Machines (1997)
Carcass - Swansong - Black Star (1996)
Carcass - Swansong - Child's Play (1996)
Edge of Sanity - Crimson - Crimson (1996)
Cannibal Corpse - Vile - Absolute Hatred (1996)
In Flames - The Jester Race - Moonshield (1996)
In Flames - The Jester Race - The Jester's Dance (1996)
In Flames - The Jester Race - Artifacts of the Black Rain (1996)
In Flames - The Jester Race - Lord Hypnos (1996)
In Flames - The Jester Race - Dead Eternity (1996)
In Flames - The Jester Race - The Jester Race (1996)
In Flames - The Jester Race - December Flower (1996)
Deicide - Serpents of the Light - Serpents of the Light (1997)
Deicide - Serpents of the Light - Bastard of Christ (1997)
Deicide - Serpents of the Light - Blame it on God (1997)
Deicide - Serpents of the Light - This is Hell We're In (1997)
Deicide - Serpents of the Light - I Am No One (1997)
In Flames - Whoracle - Jotun (1997)
In Flames - Whoracle - Dialogue With The Stars (1997)
In Flames - Whoracle - Jester Script Transfigured (1997)
In Flames - Whoracle - Whoracle (1997)
Deceased... - Fearless Undead Machines - The Silent Creature (1997)
Deceased... - Fearless Undead Machines - Fearless Undead Machines (1997)
Deceased... - Fearless Undead Machines - Beyond Science (1997)
Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse - April Ethereal (1998)
Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse - When (1998)
Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse - Demon of the Fall (1998)
Suffocation - Despise the Sun - Funeral Inception (1998)
Death - The Sound of Perseverance - Spirit Crusher (1998)
Cannibal Corpse - Gallery of Suicide - I Will Kill You (1998)
Cannibal Corpse - Gallery of Suicide - Sentenced to Burn (1998)
Nile - Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka - Barra Edinazzu (1998)
Nile - Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka - Serpent Headed Mask (1998)
Nile - Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka - Ramses Bringer of War (1998)
Nile - Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka - Stones of Sorrow (1998)
Nile - Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka - The Howling of the Jinn (1998)
Nile - Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka - Opening of the Mouth (1998)
Incantation - Diabolical Conquest - Desecration (Of the Heavenly Graceful) (1998)
Incantation - Diabolical Conquest - Unto Infinite Twilight - Majesty of Infernal Damnation (1998)
Gorguts - Obscura - Obscura (1998)
Gorguts - Obscura - The Carnal State (1998)
Gorguts - Obscura - Nostalgia (1998)
Extol - Burial - Burial (1998)
Extol - Burial - Embraced (1998)
Amon Amarth - The Avenger - Bleed For Ancient Gods (1999)
Cannibal Corpse - Bloodthirst - Pounded Into Dust (1999)
Cannibal Corpse - Bloodthirst - Dead Human Collection (1999)
In Flames - Colony - Ordinary Story (1999)
In Flames - Colony - Scorn (1999)
In Flames - Colony - Colony (1999)
In Flames - Colony - Zombie Inc. (1999)
In Flames - Colony - Pallar Anders Visa (1999)
In Flames - Colony - Coerced Coexistence (1999)
In Flames - Colony - Resin (1999)
In Flames - Colony - Insipid 2000 (1999)
In Flames - Colony - The New Word (1999)
In Flames - Colony - Murders In The Rue Morgue (Iron Maiden Cover) (1999)
Dark Tranquillity - Projector - Dobermann (1999)
The Crown - Hell Is Here - The Poison (1999)
The Crown - Hell Is Here - 1999-Revolution 666 (1999)
Opeth - Still Life - The Moor (1999)
Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefacation - To Breathe in a Casket (1999)
Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefacation - Intestinal Incubation (1999)
Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefacation - Advanced Corpse Tumor (1999)
Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefacation - Fermented Offal Discharge (1999)
In Flames - Clayman - Bullet Ride (2000)
In Flames - Clayman - Pinball Map (2000)
In Flames - Clayman - As The Future Repeats Today (2000)
In Flames - Clayman - Clayman (2000)
In Flames - Clayman - Satallites And Astronauts (2000)
In Flames - Clayman - Brush The Dust Away (2000)
In Flames - Clayman - Swim (2000)
In Flames - Clayman - Suburban Me (2000)
In Flames - Clayman - Strong And Smart (No Fun At All Cover) (2000)
In Flames - Clayman - World of Promises (2000)
Extol - Undeceived - Renewal (2000)
Dying Fetus - Destroy the Opposition - Praise the Lord (Opium of the Masses) (2000)
Dying Fetus - Destroy the Opposition - Born in Sodom (2000)
Immolation - Close to a World Below - Higher Coward (2000)
Immolation - Close to a World Below - Father, You're Not a Father (2000)
Immolation - Close to a World Below - Furthest From the Truth (2000)
Immolation - Close to a World Below - Lost Passion (2000)
Immolation - Close to a World Below - Close to a World Below (2000)
Decapitated - Winds of Creation - Winds of Creation (2000)
Decapitated - Winds of Creation - Blessed (2000)
Decapitated - Winds of Creation - The First Damned (2000)
Decapitated - Winds of Creation - The Eye of Horus (2000)
Deicide - Insineratehymn - Bible Basher (2000)
Dark Tranquillity - Haven - Feast Of Burden (2000)
Deicide - In Torment In Hell - In Torment in Hell (2001)
Deicide - In Torment in Hell - Christ Don't Care (2001)
Blood Red Throne - Monument of Death - The Children Shall Endure (2001)
Opeth - Blackwater Park - The Leper Affinity (2001)
Opeth - Blackwater Park - Bleak (2001)
Opeth - Blackwater Park - Harvest (2001)
Opeth - Blackwater Park - The Drapery Falls (2001)
Opeth - Blackwater Park - Dirge For November (2001)
Opeth - Blackwater Park - The Funeral Portrait (2001)
Opeth - Blackwater Park - Patterns in the Ivy (2001)
Opeth - Blackwater Park - Blackwater Park (2001)
Immolation - Unholy Cult - Unholy Cult (2002)
The Crown - Crowned in Terror- World Below (2002)
Amon Amarth - Versus the World - Death in Fire (2002)
Amon Amarth - Versus the World - For The Stabwounds in Our Back (2002)
Amon Amarth - Versus the World - Vs. The World (2002)
Decapitated - Nihility - Spheres of Madness (2002)
Beheaded - Recounts of Disembodiment - Compelling Derangement (2002)
Chton - Chton - Book of Black Earth (2002)
In Flames - Reroute to Remain - Dawn of a New Day (2002)
In Flames - Reroute to Remain - Metaphor (2002)
Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done - Monochromatic Stains (2002)
Opeth - Deliverence - Wreath (2002)
Opeth - Deliverence - Deliverence (2002)
Opeth - Deliverence - Master's Apprentice (2002)
Opeth - Deliverence - By The Pain I See In Others (2002)
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines - The Blessed Dead (2002)
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines - Sarcophagus (2002)
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines - Unas Slayer of the Gods (2002)
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines - Churning the Maelstrom (2002)
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines - Wind of Horus (2002)
Opeth - Damnation - Windowpane (2003)
Vital Remains - Dechristianize - Dechristianize (2003)
Gorgasm - Masticate to Dominate - Corpsefiend (2003)
Extol - Synergy - Grace for Succession (2003)
Extol - Synergy - Paradigms (2003)
Incantation - Decimate Christendom - Decimate Christendom (2004)
Incantation - Decimate Christendom - Dying Divinity (2004)
Yyrkoon - Occult Medicine - Doctor X (2004)
Deicide - Scars of the Crucifix - Scars of the Crucifix (2004)
Deicide - Scars of the Crucifix - Mad at God (2004)
Deicide - Scars of the Crucifix - Fuck Your God (2004)
In Flames - Soundtrack to Your Escape - The Quiet Place (2004)
In Flames - Soundtrack to Your Escape - Touch of Red (2004)
Arsis - A Celebration of Guilt - Maddening Disdain (2004)
Arsis - A Celebration of Guilt - Return (2004)
Arsis - A Celebration of Guilt - Wholly Night (2004)
Bloodbath - Nightmares Made Flesh - Outnumbering the Day (2004)
Bloodbath - Nightmares Made Flesh - Eaten (2004)
Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis - Eye-Licker (2005)
Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis - Mephitication (2005)
Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis - Arterial Lust (2005)
Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis - Smite (2005)
Hate Eternal - I, Monarch - Two Demons (2005)
Hate Eternal - I, Monarch - To Know Our Enemies (2005)
Gorod - Leading Vision - Hidden Genocide (2006)
Repugnant - Epitome of Darkness - Hungry are the Damned (2007)
Repugnant - Epitome of Darkness - Another Vision (Morbid Cover) (2007)
Decrepit Birth - Diminishing Between Worlds - …And Time Begins (2008)
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom - In Coffles They Were Led (2008)
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom - Swill of the Knaves (2008)
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom - Manacled Freightage (2008)
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom - The Nubian Archer (2008)
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom - Dog and Broom (2008)
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom - Oracle of the Malefic Rhizome (2008)
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom - Hornets of the Pogrom (2008)
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom - The Grenadier (2008)
Obliteration - Nekropsalms - Ingesting Death (2009)
Obscura - Omnivium - Vortex Omnivium (2011)
Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of Inhumanity - The Carbon Stampede (2012)
Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of Inhumanity - Dead Set on Suicide (2012)
Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of Inhumanity - A Living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat (2012)
Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of Inhumanity - Forced Gender Reassignment (2012)
Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of Inhumanity - Gristle Licker (2012)
Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of Inhumanity - Projectile Ovulation (2012)
Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of Inhumanity - Lifestalker (2012)
Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of Inhumanity - Do Not Resuscitate (2012)
Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of Inhumanity - Your Disposal (2012)
Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of Inhumanity - The Monolith (2012)
Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of Inhumanity - Kingdom of Tyrants (2012)
Tribulation - The Formulas of Death - Wanderer in the Outer Darkness (2013)
Tribulation - The Formulas of Death - Spectres (2013)
Tribulation - The Formulas of Death - Suspiria de Profundis (2013)
Tribulation - The Formulas of Death - Rånda (2013)
Tribulation - The Formulas of Death - Spell (2013)
Tribulation - The Formulas of Death - Ultra Silvam (2013)
Tribulation - The Formulas of Death - Apparitions (2013)
Cattle Decapitation - The Anthropocene Extinction - Manufactured Extinct (2015)


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