Kallet eller "The Call"
The CallIt calls for meI feel it in my musclesI feel it in my bonesI feel it in my nervesDay in and day outIt gnaws on my mindFeast on my fleshDevourer my thoughtsCountless times I've given inStill countless timesIt returnsNo matter how oftenI give it what it wantIt alwaysAlways returnesIt calls for meI feel it in my musclesI feel it in my bonesI feel it in my nervesSometimes it fools meIt gives not what it's Supposed to giveStill it takes from meSometimes I refuseI pretend I don't feel itI turn my deaf earTowards itIt's revenge is cruelIt calls for meI feel it in my musclesI feel it in my bonesI feel it in my nervesIt's the Calland there is no escape
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