Sett inn verbformene som mangler. De i tykk skrift er de som opprinnelig manglet, altså de jeg har satt inn. make –– made –– making give –– gave –– giving put –– put –– put think –– thinking –– thought build –– built –– build buy –– buying –– bought tell –– told –– told eat –– ate –– eating went –– gone –– gone see –– seen –– seeing sit –– sat –– sat do –– doing –– done forgot – forgot –– forgetting ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Verb tenses: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. The population of the mountain gorilla increasing (increase) greatly in the last few years, so the government opened (open) the aera for tourism. About 30 years later, the Pacific Ocean rises (rise) to a dangerous level. The leaking chemicals spread (spread) to the surrounding aeras at an alarming rate. Marine pollution killed (kill) a large number of plants ad animals. Unless we change the way we think (think), the oceans will suffer. I read in a magazine that a car that runs on whater design (design) for Volvo. There is no doubt that thousands of people driving (drive) this enviromentally friendly car. A: Have you prepared your oral presentation yet? B: No, not yet. But I think I start (start) tomorrow. A: When you’re handing it in (you/hand it in)? B: Next week. I collect (collect) some photographs befre I’m finished. A: I have some documents on the topic you’re writing about. I give (give) them to you if you want. B: Thanks! That bee (be) great. The conservation of natural recourses neccessaries (neccessary), for the earth to survive.