Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes! - Da Vinci "I connected myself to the main computer and had a long talk about the universe and my point of view upon it" "then what happened" "it commited suicide" "life... loathe it or ignore it, you cant possible like it!" "When you think life cant possible get any worse, it suddenly does!" "A theory claims that, whenever somebody discoveres the true meaning of the Universe and why its there, it will instantly disappear and reappear as something even more bizzare and unexplicable. Another one claims this has already happened" Forresten, hvis dere ble fly forbannet over harseleringen og har planer om å gå bananas som hevn: Norge er det landet til høyre. Jepp, det som det står Sverige på. Problemene med ferdigposer er bare to, men de er store. Pasta Bolognese smaker skikkelig ekkelt, og dessuten koster slike poser en formue. Denne kostet 26 kroner. Du kunne fått 13 pakker nudler for samme prisen. Når man headbanger til musikk, kan man lett slå hodet i veggen bak seg. Veggene på hybelen er steinharde. Selv om man har slått hodet i veggen én gang, forhindrer dette ikke at man kan gjøre det igjen. Veggene på hybelen er like harde, uavhengig av antall ganger hodet slås mot dem. Glassflasker kan dele seg opp i utrolig mange biter. Om man ikke tørker opp ordentlig, kan man trå på bittesmå glassbiter i ukevis. Hvis man stikker Q-tipen på skrå oppover og ikke bare rett inn, går den mye lenger inn. Det gjør vondt som satan å kjøre Q-tipen for langt inn. Det er ikke så smart å åpne en bildør slik at du får kanten på den i ansiktet. Rene klær skal ikke legges i en pose med et ukokt egg nederst. "I just want to say that we're aware of what -=NK=-KimJong-afk has been saying about us in chatrooms. We'll see if he can still talk that trash after I headshot him with my deagle. This isn't Starcraft. Those Koreans don't stand a chance." some say, if mark ever mates with a woman, the world will implode into itself and create a giant hole that leads us straight to hell where we will be slaves to demons for the rest of eternity while mark sits upon his black throne, well, extreme weight supported throne. Jeg er ganske fæl på å stokke om ord i setninger og jeg skulle egentlig si - Det er bedre å stompe røyken, enn å røyke stompen, da jeg sa: - Det er bedre og runke stompen, enn å stompe ronken. Black Harry Bonney Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr! I prefer to call people "knob jockey" "I leapt out of a high-rise office window." This cheered Arthur up. "Oh!" he said. "Why don't you do it again?" "I did." "Hmmm," said Arthur, disappointed. "Obviously no good came out of it." "The first time I managed to save myself by the most astonishing and - I say this in all modesty - fabulous piece of ingenious quick thinking, agility, fancy footwork and self-sacrifice." "What was the self-sacrifice?" "I jettisoned half of a much-loved and i think irreplaceable pair of shoes." "Why was that self-sacrifice?" "Because they were mine!" said Ford, crossly. "I think we have different value systems." "Well, mine's better.! BYRÅKRAT-VIRUS Deler din harddisk inn i hundre små enheter, som ikke gjør noe som helst fornuftig, men som alle påstår å være den viktigste delen av din datamaskin. POLITISK VIRUS Identifiserer aldri seg selv som "virus", men kaller seg selv "elektroniske mikro-organismer". Omformer dine tekstfiler til uforståelig sludder. LEGEVIRUS Sjekker din datamaskin for feil, men finner ingen. Sender deg likevel en regning på kr. 450,- ADVOKAT-VIRUS Stopper maskinen din til stadighet og ber om mer penger. STATLIG ØKONOMI-VIRUS Ingenting fungerer, men dine diagnoseprogrammer forteller deg at alt er i sin skjønneste orden. ADAM OG EVA VIRUS Tar noen bits ut av din Apple. FREUDIANSK VIRUS Din computer blir besatt av tanken på å gifte seg med sitt eget Motherboard. PARTIPOLITISK VIRUS Datamaskinen slutter å fungere, og skjermen deles på midten med en melding på hver side av skjermen som sier at denne feilen skyldes den andre siden. FLYBAGASJE-VIRUS Du er i Oslo, men dine data er i Hong Kong. ELVIS-VIRUS Din datamaskin blir feit, treg og lat, tilslutt selvdestruktiv, for så å dukke opp på forskjellige steder over hele USA. SKATTEVIRUS Dine datafiler forsvinner, for så å dukke opp neste høst. "I ate a whole bunch of fibreglass insulation. It wasn't cotton candy like that guy stomach's itchy." One step away from the funny-farm! "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" - Hvem skal vokte vokterne? i hælvette ska di brenn This is a lighthouse. Your call! "At north it's deadly cold, at south penguins eat people, at west people eat people and the east is trying to be like the west" "deep deep in core of the earth white lamb drinks poison kids are sharpening devil's horns wasps suck love from the eyes" "in an imagined corner of a round room two boys hold each other noses, they feed each other with ermm.. (dunno the word but should be)cow/horse shit they cough and choke soundly (or whatever would the adjective "with sound" be ;p)" "I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather... Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car." Will Shriner quotes You don't need a God for a miracle! You just need your speakers at high volume! "Whores don't get a second chance!" As I was going up the stairs | I met a man who wasn't there | He wasn't there again today | I wish, I wish he'd go away Born in sin, come on in. Leste cupido lenge før jeg visste hva jeg kunne gjøre med pikken. Sex er artig. Hadde jeg funnet en tarantel i huset mitt, så hadde jeg grepet tak i det første jeg fant og slått febrilsk i laaaaaang tid. in vino veritas, in whine the truth will prevail! If you are too stoned to move, have you totally transformed into a rock then? An alliance army is marching across the barrens to raid orgrimmar when a shaman comes running up and makes a rude gesture at the general. The general points to 2 of his soldiers and orders them to kill them shaman. The shaman runs away round a mountain and the soldiers follow. After a few minutes the shaman comes back with no sign of the alliance soldiers. He insults the general who promptly sends 10 officers to kill the shaman. The shaman runs round the hill and returns again. The general getting very annoyed orders 40 men to kill the shaman. They all chase him round the hill and for 10 minites nothing happens. Then one badly wounded soldier comes back limping and says "Sir, it was a trap! There's two of them!" "how many GMs do you need to change a lightbulb? -none, it's working as intended" The Alliance once managed to kill a shaman, and Blizzard shut down the servers to investigate. - Følelsen var omtrent den samme som da jeg rundet Doom for første gang. They kept punching themselves in their genitals. I laughed. Then they punched my genitals. I stopped laughing. I finally arrived at a solution. I gave them out as Christmas gifts. My friends didn't know quite what to say. They pretended that they like them but I could tell they were lying. Ingrates. So I punched them in the genitals. I like monkeys I reject your reality, and substitute my own. Ungdom drikker mer nå enn for ti år siden, noe som er vel og bra siden de fleste ungdommer var 4-5 år på den tiden... Den hardbarska rockeren rev opp døra til tattoveringssjappa og brølte "Jeg sa TURBONEGER, din tunghørte fan, ikke TORBJØRN EGNER! I just spent the night with a lovely thaigirl, who appeared to be a thaiboy. "Well, I've got a life! No, you've just got a thousand alts!" ego sentio atrox Excuse me sir. Do you know that you're tikking?