# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# INCLUDE/EXCLUDE-FEATURES# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# This part of config file is used for including/excluding features from GM.## Syntax:# INCEXCFTR ([UniqueID]) ([ApplicationName]) [FeatureName] INCLUDE# or# INCEXCFTR ([UniqueID]) ([ApplicationName]) [FeatureName] EXCLUDE## INCLUDE (or anything other except EXCLUDE) after feature name - feature is included# EXCLUDE after feature name - feature is excluded## If feature is excluded files will be on GM # but end-user will not be able to see or select excluded features## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!# !!!!!!!Please don't change anything except INCLUDE/EXCLUDE flags bellow# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCEXCFTR (2FF8B816) (Actions) NeroHome INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (3652819D) () NeroVisionAPI INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (B035464E) (NeroStartSmart) NeroStartSmart INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (BCAFF604) (Features) NeroBurningRom INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (57D52359) (Features) NeroVision INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (3652819D) (Features) NeroVisionAPI3652819D30A72E INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (CB9D5429) (Features) NeroBackItUp INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (7CE8D626) (Actions) NeroCoverDesigner INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (FA3A3F7B) (Features) NeroWaveEditor INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (716FE146) (Features) NeroSoundTrax INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (D773A6E2) (Features) NeroShowTime INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (53BEFA20) (Features) NeroMediaHome INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (6035F00C) (Features) NeroRecode INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (ED1EAF52) (Features) NeroPhotoSnap INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (72CC518F) (Features) NeroBurnRights INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (E38B9E06) (Features) NeroImageDrive NOTWOW64BITS INCEXCFTR (82602EE0) (Features) NeroCDDVDSpeed INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (7DFFCC12) (Features) NeroDriveSpeed INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (E72D824A) (Features) NeroInfoTool INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (5AD292D8) (Features) NeroBurn INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (79061EB3) (Features) NeroMediaStreaming INCLUDE INCEXCFTR (91F9B069) (Features) NeroMobile INCLUDE ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# INCLUDE/EXCLUDE-LANGUAGES# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# This part of config file is used for including/excluding language supports from GM.## Syntax:# INCEXCLNG [LanguageShortName] USER_LANG# or# INCEXCLNG [LanguageShortName] ALWAYS## USER_LANG (or anything other except ALWAYS) after language short name - language is "selected by default" only if it is end-user language# ALWAYS after language short name - language is "selected by default" always independent from end-user default language## If language is included all languages dependent files will be "selected by default" in installer# All language files will be always on GM.# English is always included.## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!# !!!!!!!Please don't change anything except USER_LANG/ALWAYS flags# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCEXCLNG TRK USER_LANG INCEXCLNG CHS USER_LANG INCEXCLNG CHT USER_LANG INCEXCLNG CSY USER_LANG INCEXCLNG DAN USER_LANG INCEXCLNG DEU USER_LANG INCEXCLNG ELL USER_LANG INCEXCLNG ESL USER_LANG INCEXCLNG ESP USER_LANG INCEXCLNG FIN USER_LANG INCEXCLNG FRA USER_LANG INCEXCLNG HUN USER_LANG INCEXCLNG ITA USER_LANG INCEXCLNG JPN USER_LANG INCEXCLNG KOR USER_LANG INCEXCLNG NLD USER_LANG INCEXCLNG NOR USER_LANG INCEXCLNG PLK USER_LANG INCEXCLNG PTB USER_LANG INCEXCLNG PTG USER_LANG INCEXCLNG RUS USER_LANG INCEXCLNG SKY USER_LANG INCEXCLNG SLV USER_LANG INCEXCLNG SVE USER_LANG INCEXCLNG THA USER_LANG ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# SET MSI PROPERTY# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# This part of config file is used for changing MSI properties.## Syntax:# MSIPROPERTY [Property Name] DEFAULT_VAL# or# MSIPROPERTY [Property Name] "Your value"## DEFAULT_VAL after property name - Property will be set with default value# "Your value" after property name - Property will be set with your value## Property explanation:# SERIALNUM - Serial Number for whole software registration ("1111-2222-3333-4444-5555-6666")# TARGETDIR - Specifies the root destination directory for the installation# ARPHELPLINK - Internet address, or URL, for technical support# ARPHELPTELEPHONE - Technical support phone numbers## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!# !!!!!!!Please use Quotation to bound your property value!!!!!!!# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!# !!!!!!!Please don't change anything except DEFAULT_VAL/"Your value" flags# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#MSIPROPERTY MIN_DIRECTX_VER 9 MSIPROPERTY ROOTDIR "[ProgramFilesFolder]Nero\Nero 7"