The David Icke Newsletter, June 21st 2009



Hello all …


Humans are experts at getting their knickers in a twist over things that are utterly irrelevant. It is one of the major ways that we are controlled, or rather control ourselves, no shepherd necessary.


I have shaken my head in bewilderment this week at the reaction from a few people to the terrible crime I seem to have committed. Is it murder? Child abuse? Defrauding an old lady of her life savings?


No, much worse. I posted the video of my own son’s first single on my own website that I subsidise to the tune of thousands of pounds a year to make a whole library of information, updated every day, available to anyone who wants it.


There, now you know. I’ve ‘come out’, I’ve been exposed. I’ll just have to live with it, I guess.


I am no expert on the tangled minds and tortured logic that somehow manifests the delusion that any of this matters, but it does seem such a waste of neuron circuitry, thought waves and electrical signals. Think what else they could have used them for … little things like addressing the police state that is speeding into place by the hour and what we can do about it.


But no, Gaz’s video posted on his dad’s website has left a trail of twisted underwear in its wake and in need of a very hot iron. I wouldn’t bother even mentioning this, except that it makes a much more fundamental point that I observe in people all the time. They make things matter when they don’t.


I can speak from experience because I did it myself over and over. Now I have a fail-safe circuit-breaker that kicks in, most of the time, when I am in danger of falling for it again. I can’t tell you how calmer and more peaceful life becomes when you start to see the wood for the trees and stop wasting energy, focus and emotion on the endless list of situations and happenings that simply don’t matter.


My ‘circuit-breaker’ goes like this: ‘And?’


That’s it; that’s all you need. I would recommend anyone to give it a try and they will be amazed at how powerful a three-letter word and a question mark can be in bringing peace into your life.


‘And?’  I love it, so simple.


Let us try it out on those who have had their underpants on fire this week over the posting of Gaz’s terrific song in among the mountain of information on a whole swathe of different subjects.


‘This is a website about the conspiracy and you have posted a music video by your son.’




See, so easy. Then you get just on with your life. Maybe I should  patent the technique, even make a music video and post it.


To think how those people have wasted time and energy in their holier-than-thou indignance and for what? For nothing.  Here’s one comment that gave me a chuckle. It comes from someone with a login-name (they never have the guts to use their own) called tubelogin1. It is at least accurate in that it has the sound and feel of a software code and therefore encapsulates the mind of the writer. Remember, all I did was post a video:


‘fancy that! david icke doing what he's made his career railing against: building a silly bloodline. this nepotism is so disgusting is hard to find words how some stupid kid gets clicks from his daddy's site.

and most entertainingly neither realise how cretinous they both look now. LOL
once a UK poodle, always a poodle, huh, Ickes ‘


I posted a video.


Apparently, I have also ‘sold out’ to the ‘Zionist music industry’, when in fact Gareth makes his own music and is not in any way attached to the corporate music industry, Zionist or otherwise.


But then indignance never was a good fact-checker because it is an emotional reaction and therefore beyond the realms of reason. The parts of the brain where emotional reactions are triggered don’t do reason. They do reaction. This is where ‘And?’ comes in. It stops the reaction or breaks the emotional circuit should it begin to activate.


If anyone still doubts that the body is a biological computer system they should study the emotional centres of the brain. They might then wonder how much consciousness is actually involved in human behaviour. The vast majority, at least, is the body-computer at work.


We are back to our old friend, the reptilian brain, or R-complex, brought to you very emotionally in association with what scientists call the limbic brain and its panic button called the amygdala. The reptilian brain is fundamental to human behaviour, especially when it comes to reacting rather than thinking.


We talk about people acting without engaging their brain, but what we are really saying is that they re-acted from the reptilian brain without engaging the area known as the neo-cortex which likes to think things through.


The reptilian brain is home to the body’s reactive emotions and survival responses in close partnership with the amygdala in the centre of the brain. When these guys shout ‘fire!’ you can forget calm and reason. They want their mum – and fast.


When the reptilian brain kicks in it overpowers the thought processes of the neo-cortex with emotional responses based on fear of not surviving.  This is when we talk about people ‘losing their heads’. Well, yes they do. They lose their head to the reptilian brain.


By survival, I don’t just mean physical survival. The reptilian brain also decodes the business of survival as protecting status, power, reputation, superiority, intellectual pre-eminence, sense of self, the list is endless.


When scientists, historians and religious advocates aggressively or dismissively reject new information or views that would demolish their rigid beliefs they are activating the reptilian brain, or rather, the reptilian brain is activating them. Their survival mechanism has kicked in.


Many people glean a sense of security from having a fixed view of ‘the way things are’ and we see this in religion, science, politics, ‘education’, medicine, the whole lot. When these status quos are challenged in any way the reptilian brain reads this as a danger that must be vanquished by either crushing the perceived ‘opponent’ (as with religious and scientific persecution) or by ignoring new insights and behaving as if they don’t exist.


The reptilian brain doesn’t know the difference between real and imagined, it just reacts, and it can do so with lightening speed because it is not burdened by having to think things through. The neo-cortex does that and is therefore much slower to respond than the R-complex. The reaction and the consequences can be a done deal before calm consideration has even begun to calmly consider.


The reptilian brain doesn’t like things to change because it equates predictability with a better chance of surviving. It likes everything in its place and so, for example, when something happens that breaks a predictable pattern it feels very uncomfortable and can react accordingly.


This can even include something as apparently irrelevant as Gareth’s music video posted on a conspiracy website if someone is really welded to the traits of the reptilian brain. The everything-in-its-place pattern is broken and some people feel real uncomfortable with that.


The neo-cortex would say look, if you don’t want to see the video there’s a little device to your right called a ‘mouse’ and you can use it to scroll down the page to the next item. There you go, not too painful was it? Even an idiot could do it, so you’ll not have a problem.

That is the crucial difference between these contrasting parts of the brain. The neo-cortex says ‘And? What’s it matter?’ But everything matters to the reptilian brain. It is neurotic on a scale that beggars belief and its affect on human behaviour, individually and collectively, simply cannot be overstated.


How many times in your life have you reacted emotionally or flown into a rage or panic about something when, as you look back, you can see that what wound you up so powerfully didn’t really matter ‘with hindsight’. Sometimes this can happen within seconds or minutes when you start to regret what you did and said and realise that you ‘over-reacted’.


Exactly. ‘Over-reaction’ means the control of your sense of reality by the reptilian brain/amygdala and ‘with hindsight’ is the neo-cortex calmly thinking things through. Human behaviour, however, is dominated by the reptilian brain reaction system overpowering the neo-cortex. People don’t think most of the time, they react.


This leads to constant conflicts between people and, collectively, it means wars and other horrors that come from emotional reaction and not thinking things through.


Those who supported the invasion of Iraq were systematically triggered in their emotional centres by the propaganda of the Bush-Cheney regime. ‘Yeah, Saddam Hussein, is a danger to the world, we gotta get him’, said the reptilian brain with its survival responses activated by a manufactured threat.


The neo-cortex would realise that Saddam was not a danger to the United States and see through the ludicrous ‘logic’ of ‘freeing’ the people of Iraq from tyranny by pepper-bombing them from the sky.


Soldiers go into battle with the reptilian brain in total control most of the time because the survival instincts are on highest alert. It’s kill or be killed and ‘we are protecting our country’ - all reptilian brain/amygdala responses. The neo-cortex would ask why it was fighting people it had never met and had no personal quarrel with. They say that truth is the first casualty of war, but I say it’s the neo-cortex. Once you go to war it has already lost.


Anyway, when we apply all this to everyday life you can perhaps see the importance of ‘And?’ in calming the lizard in our head. It can be extremely effective.


People get upset and defensive (survival instincts) when others say unpleasant and untrue things about them. But we can choose to be indignant (reptilian brain) or to say ‘And?’ (neo-cortex). What does it matter? They’ll be saying something else next week.


All the time the reptilian brain is scanning our environment looking for danger and that’s a good thing because it is often essential to keeping the body alive. But once the line is crossed into reptilian brain paranoia we lose the plot and suddenly endless irrelevances are transformed into life-or-death importance. They start to matter.


Funnily enough, one of my circuit-breakers, along with ‘And?’ is: ‘Did anybody die? It can bring things quickly into perspective when a panic is going on about an apparent catastrophe that isn’t. If only we could look at daily events from the perspective we would have from our death-bed with ten minutes to live. It would all look so different and the trick is to bring that point of observation into now.


Would it matter that the lady in the store pushed in front of you in the queue? No. Would it matter that your teenage son dropped some food on the carpet? No. Would it matter that the guy cut you up at the lights? No.


Then don’t let it matter now:


And? What has it cost me, another minute or so in the queue?’


And? No big deal, get a cloth and be more careful next time.’


And? I am going to get home 30 seconds later than I would before the guy nipped in front of me.’


But each of those situations can cause people to absolutely erupt with fury and stress when they allow the reptilian brain to prevail. Put it all through the filter of the neo-cortex, however, and it looks very different. Instead of fury and stress there is only calm, peace and perspective.


A major consequence of reptilian brain domination is that we stop thinking straight, or even thinking at all. This is why people say such stupid things when they are emotionally distraught or in a state of indignance.

 The purveyors of bullshit and banality this week claimed that by expressing his creativity through music and living his dream Gareth is ‘selling out’ to the ‘Zionist music industry’. Well, he’s not, as I have explained, but what if a music company did come along and makes his work available to a much bigger audience? So what?

Are we really saying that because the elite families control the music industry that people with musical talent should lock it away and go do something they don’t want to do instead? Are we saying that because Hollywood is controlled by the elite families that no-one with acting ability should go there and express their talent? Or that because the elite families control the banking system that no-one should work in a bank? Or a supermarket? Or on a newspaper? You don’t have to sell your soul to do these things.

Where does it end? It’s insane, but then the reptilian brain is insane when it is allowed unfettered control of reality because it can’t think things through. It is stupid even to the extent that it cannot even learn from experience. Other parts of the brain/mind do that and this inability to learn is one reason why the reptilian brain is the seat of ritualistic, repeating behaviour.

How could it be any other way? What you don’t learn from you are destined to repeat.


Ten years from now the password prophets will still be sitting there tapping out their instant and ignorant judgements while doing nothing whatsoever to make a difference about the very things they are so self-righteous about.

 Unless we break free of control by the reptilian response-system nothing will change. Why? Because it can’t. The ancient symbol of the snake swallowing its own tail is an image that encapsulates the reptilian brain. Round and round and round, repeating, repeating, repeating.

Surely, it’s time to say ‘And?’