Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory WORLDWIDE CHAOS - Complete XBOX/PC Full Walkthrough Authored by VampireHorde MMMMMMM MM MM MMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMM M MM MM MM MM MM MM MMM M MM MMMMMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMMMMMM MM MM MM MMM MMM MM MM MMM MMM M MM MM MMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM MMM MM MMMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMM MMM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MM MM MMMMMMMM M MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM M MM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM MM M *********************** INTRODUCTION *********************** Thanks for clicking the FAQ. Welcome back to the International Super Spy Spectrum. I will explain how to achieve 100% Completion for all Levels of SC:CT WITHOUT killing any enemy sentries. I will present you with EVERY alternate route in every Level and explain how to finish ALL the Objectives. All tactics and strategies in this FAQ apply for the XBOX/PC version only! I will have a separate PS2/GC FAQ posted later in the week. BIG FAQ NOTE: This FAQ was written for advanced Splinter Cell players only! This FAQ will NOT hold you by the hand or spoon-feed you. I'm only going tell you what needs to be done to get 100% per level. I leave the possibility to you, the player. You are playing the game YOUR way. If you can't handle that, then this FAQ is not for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************ STEALTH CONTROLS ************************ The configuration is as follows: -- NO WEAPON EQUIPPED -- X BUTTON: EQUIP WEAPON Y BUTTON: JUMP/SPLIT-JUMP A BUTTON: INTERACT BUTTON B BUTTON: CROUCH/STAND WHITE BUTTON: REAL-TIME INVENTORY SWITCH (HOLD TO ACCESS MENU) BLACK BUTTON: WHISTLE L-TRIGGER: KNOCKOUT BLOW R-TRIGGER: LETHAL BLOW LEFT ANALOG STICK: MOVE SAM RIGHT ANALOG STICK: ROTATE CAMERA LEFT ANALOG STICK (CLICK): BACK-TO-THE-WALL RIGHT ANALOG STICK (CLICK): BINOCULARS/EEV (CLICK LEFT ANALOG STICK TO ZOOM) START BUTTON: PAUSE SCREEN BACK BUTTON: OBJECTIVES SCREEN D-PAD LEFT: NIGHT VISION D-PAD RIGHT: THERMAL VISION D-PAD UP: EMF VISION -- WEAPON EQUIPPED -- L-TRIGGER (SC PISTOL): OCP R-TRIGGER (SC PISTOL): PRIMARY FIRE L-TRIGGER (SC-20K): SECONDARY FIRE/HOLD BREATH (WHILE IN SNIPER MODE) R-TRIGGER (SC-20K): PRIMARY FIRE RIGHT ANALOG STICK (CLICK): SNIPER MODE BLACK BUTTON: SWITCH TO FOREGRIP OR SNIPER ATTACHMENT (WHEN SC-20K is equipped) LEFT ANALOG STICK (CLICK): SWITCH FROM LEFT TO RIGHT CROSSHAIRS *********************** SCANNING VERSUS HACKING *********************** From the very first Mission all the way to the last, you are presented with the option to SCAN your Objectives or to HACK them. In certain Missions, you are required to HACK specific computers. In essence, it seems difficult to do up close (because of enemy sentries or Cameras) but there is a second option available. That option is the EEV inside the binoculars that Sam uses. Click on the Right Analog Stick to enter Binocular Mode. Focus the square reticle onto the Computer screen or RETINAL scanner and it will start scanning through a wireless link. From there you can hack the computer from a safe distance WITHOUT having to physically use the PC itself. Remember, the choice is yours. *********************** THE HACKING MINI-GAME *********************** HACKING ON-SCREEN HUD: On the left of the screen is a list of IP addresses (999:99:99:99 for example). One of these numbers is the correct number. On the lower right of the screen is the Hacking device that reveals the code. When the number glows green for a second, THAT is the part of the Keycode value. On the far right of the device is a PADLOCK icon. This signifies the number of times you can lock the first set of numbers. THE HACK VALUE: 999:99:99:99 is the example I will use. 999 (the first three numbers) is the number that needs to be locked by pressing the X Button when the value glows green. The other three will randomly glow the real value. HOW TO HACK: --When you start the mini-game, wait for the first three numbers to glow. When it glows, PRESS THE X BUTTON IMMEDIATELY! This will lock the value of the code and decrease the amount of IP Addresses in the list to the left of the screen (which is a good thing). But watch out! There is a timer bar on the device that decreases! --Once the three numbers are locked, you have to watch the other three values to glow up. Match the numbers with the IP Address on the left to lock the value and successfully Hack your Computer, Retinal Scanner, etc. You can cancel the mini-game by pressing the B Button but this will change the Hack value when you access it again. If you don't hack the item before the timer goes red... *********************** STEALTH TIPS *********************** --You can now complete the Missions WITHOUT killing anyone. --I never mention using the SC-20K that much in this walkthrough. Since this is only for Stealth setting, the main point is NOT to use it too much! --If you see the opportunity to knock out your foe, DO IT! Use the L- Trigger for less bloodshed. --On high ledges, use the "Jump-and-hide" technique. Jump over a ledge and shimmy on it past the enemy. When the enemy is out of range, climb back up and continue your objective. --Always explore your surroundings. There is always a certain alternate path if you search closely enough. --The OCP is your absolute best friend. Use it instead of wasting bullets. --Use the QUICK SAVE option at your own pace. I won't mention when to use it but be cautious! If Sam is killed during the Mission, he will restart at the last QUICK SAVE point. --Use the SCAN and HACK option. Certain Computers or items can be scanned from a far distance to complete the Objective. ************************ 100% COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS ************************ This is what is required of you, Super Spy, to get 100% per Level. ACCEPTABLE: --No Kills allowed --No use of Lethal Force --Zero Detection --Zero Alarms --Zero times identified as an Intruder --All Objectives Completed --No bodies found If any objective is missed or skipped, you will NOT get 100% even if you completed the other requirements. That's it for this section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ THE WALKTHROUGH ++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ MISSION 1: PERUVIAN LIGHTHOUSE ++ MMM MMM MM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM MMMMMM MMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MMMMMM MMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM M MM MMMMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM MM MMM MM MMMM MM MM MM MM ++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] RESCUE MORGENHOLT [ ] RECOVER OR DESTROY INFORMATION ABOUT THE MASSE KERNELS [ ] DISCOVER WHERE THE GUERILLAS GOT THEIR ARMS AND EQUIPMENT [ ] EXFILTRATE TO THE PRIMARY EXTRACTION POINT SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] ELIMINATE HUGO LACERDA You won't accomplish this Objective in this Mission. OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] SCAN THE SSCC BAR CODE OF THE DELIVERED CRATES ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Welcome to Peru! First thing's first, turn on Night Vision. There! That's as detailed as I'll ever get. ++ AREA: THE BEACH ++ Work your way up the hill and into a small crevice. Continue through until you reach a CRAWLSPACE (you'll see glowing limestone). Go through and out. Work your way up the steps until you see a bridge across the way. From here you have two options to get to the other side: #1 - Quickly cross the bridge and crouch next to the cave entrance. Two soldiers will emerge out and start talking. Quietly enter from where they came and look for a crack in the wall and Enter to a sort of supply room. #2 - To the left of the bridge is an alternate pathway that you can take. Turn left and you can circle around the mountain to a hidden cave. Inside this cave is a spotlight and a ladder that leads up to a sort of prison cell area. Choose one to your liking. --SUB-OBJECTIVE: SCAN CRATES (FIVE TOTAL) If you chose path #1, simply go to the end of the room and PIERCE the generator to turn off all the lights. Next to the generator is Crate to SCAN. SCAN it and go down the stairs to a prison cell area. The second Crate is in here with a guard doing target practice. SCAN the second Crate with your EEV and go back out. Before going upstairs, watch the guard that just came back from outside the cave. Eliminate him if you want and then head up the stairs. If you chose path #2, emerge from the ladder and stay in the dark. You'll see a Crate and a soldier doing target practice. Use your EEV to SCAN the Crate across from you. From there, bust out the OCP and use it on the light above the Crate to darken the room. To make it easier for yourself, eliminate the guard before leaving the prison cell area. As you walk up to the brightly lit area, use the OCP on the swinging light. When the guard up here goes to investigate, knock him out. Go to the generator and use the PIERCE option to darken the room. SCAN the second Crate in here and then go upstairs. Open the door and make your way down to the darkened area at the bottom. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: TORTURE ROOM ++ Listen to the whole conversation and patiently wait. One soldier will "take a walk" while the other sits down. Let the soldier walk past you. He'll go up and use the toilets near the door you just entered. Ignore him and quietly make your way past the torture room. Quietly sneak AROUND the bathtub and work your way out of the Torture room. Go to the door at the other and use the PICK LOCK option and pick it. (Do you need me to tell you how to pick the lock?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: OUTER FORTRESS ++ In this large area, you'll see two tents, two soldiers, and a large spotlight. You DO NOT need to eliminate any of the soldiers if you are stealthy. Before heading to the next area, quietly head for the second tent. When the two soldiers are conversing, quietly walk past them and get behind the second tent. The CUT MATERIAL option will appear. Cut open the tent and go through to find the third Crate to SCAN. SCAN it and head out. From here you have two options to get to Crate #4: #1 - Further down this area is an open doorway with a bright light above it. Quietly enter this doorway and head through to the other side. When you emerge, you'll see Crate #4 under a tin-roofed sort of gazebo with two soldiers conversing at the other side. SCAN Crate #4 with your EEV and then jump to the top of the tin-roof. Use the OCP on the light above the doorway across from the tin-roof and quickly make your way to that doorway before the light goes back on. #2 - Near the second tent is a large crate box. Have Sam jump on top of the box and then jump up to an upper ledge. There's ANOTHER two options from here: #1 - You'll see a set of stairs going down. You'll hear two soldiers conversing and a generator to pierce. Crate #4 is across the soldiers. You'll have to eliminate the two soldiers and then SCAN Crate #4. From there, hop onto the top of the tin-roof and jump to the doorway above. DO NOT USE THIS ROUTE! IT'S SUICIDE! #2 - From the ledge, make your way to a small room with a fireplace and two soldiers resting. Quietly sneak past them and out to an upper wooden ledge. You'll see two soldiers conversing and Crate #4 under a tin-roofed gazebo on the ground. Quietly make your way near the brightly lit doorway on the other side. SCAN Crate #4 from above and then use the OCP on the light and sneak in. WHEW! --OBJECTIVE: ACCESS THE SERVER When you safely make it here, access the Computer on the left and complete the Objective. Don't worry about the soldier in here, he won't see you. Once that's done, make your way out to the other doorway. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: OUTER LIGHTHOUSE ++ You'll see two soldiers conversing across from you. From here you have two options: #1 - Quietly head down the stairs while they're talking and access Crate #5 next to the stairs. Once that's done, continue down the stairs and walk past the moody welder and make your way to the Lighthouse (there's no other soldiers near the Lighthouse). #2 - Let them finish their conversation and let them both walk down the stairs. Go forward and plan a way to eliminate the soldier that guards the upper area (near Crate #5). You can hang on the ledge and then GRAB him when he gets close or just be stealthy and grab him from behind. Either way, make sure you SCAN Crate #5. After that's done, go down the stairs and wait patiently for the moody welder to finish what he's doing. When he finishes, he exposes a Zipline to the Lighthouse. Knock him out and hide his body outside near the zipline. Now Sam can access the zipline and ZIP to the Lighthouse. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: THE LIGHTHOUSE ++ Once at the Lighthouse, eliminate or sneak past the guard wandering the Lighthouse. Enter the door at the back of the Lighthouse and go through. From here, you'll see a radio operator toying with his radio. Ignore him and quietly head up the stairs and Grim will chime in. If the radio operator sees you, you miss the Objective and you have to knock him out. To retrieve the info that Grim needs, go up the stairs and look for a file cabinet and use the SEARCH CABINET option to complete the Objective. Now make your way to the top of the Lighthouse and climb the ladder. Up here is the spotlight (What else?) and a soldier circling around. Time your movements and climb up. Head for the exit and use the SWITCH OBJECT to turn off the spotlight. From here you have two options to eliminate the soldier here: #1 - Wait inside and let him try to turn the spotlight back on. Smack him from behind and Call Extraction to end the Mission. #2 - Turn off the spotlight and then jump over the railing and wait. When he gets close, use the GRAB CHARACTER option to toss him over the ledge. Jump back onto the ledge and use the Call Extraction option to end the Mission. MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ MISSION 2: MARIA NARCISSA ++ MMM MMM MM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM MMMMMM MMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MMMMMM MMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM M MM MMMMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM MM MMM MMMMMM MMM MMM MM MMMM MM MMMMMMMMM ++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] ELIMINATE HUGO LACERDA [ ] FIND OUT WHICH CABIN LACERDA IS IN [ ] RETRIEVE THE SHIP'S LAST TRANSIT LEDGER FOR LACERDA'S SHIPMENT [ ] RETRIEVE THE BILL OF LADING FOR LACERDA'S ARMS SHIPMENT [ ] EXFILTRATE TO THE EXTRACTION POINT SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] FIND THE NAME OF LACERDA'S PANAMANIAN CONTACT You need to INTERROGATE Lacerda to finish this objective. OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] PLACE TRACKING DEVICES ON ANY ILLEGAL WEAPONS CRATES These are the locations: #1 - In the first area with all the Crates #2 - Soldier's quarters #3 - Under the metal stairway - Portside #4 - Inside the large Mess Hall kitchen on Deck 2 #5 - Across from the Captain's quarters #6 - Back of the ship near Extraction ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Welcome to the open sea! ++ AREA: FRONT OF THE SHIP ++ Sam will be in the front of the ship with two soldiers wandering the front deck. --OBJECTIVE: FIND LACERDA There are two ways to enter the ship's hull from infiltration: #1 - Stealthily make your way down to the stairway on Starboard towards the stairway and down to a sleeping guard. #2 - See those stacks of containers up on top? Jump and climb up to those containers and look for a crevice to sneak into. Work your way through the containers to the other side. You'll emerge into a well-lit area (with no guards). Turn right to see a small opening to jump down. Jump down and make your way to the stairwell nearby to a sleeping guard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: INSIDE THE SHIP ++ --SUB-OBJECTIVE: PLACE TRACKERS ON SIX CRATES Quietly sneak past the sleeping guard and SLIDE OPEN the door. Climb down the ladder and work your way up the large Crates to the other side. There is a wall you need to squeeze into on the left side. Emerge out and find the first Crate and PLACE TRACKER (#1). Climb your way using the large Crates to the ladder on the other end. Climb up and head down the hallway (there's no guards in here). See that door leaking lots of water? Ignore that door for now. Head to the other door and SLIDE OPEN to find a man using a woodshop thingamajig. Grab him and knock him out. Inside this room is a vent (or CRAWLSPACE). Use the Crawlspace and crawl to the other side to a large Motor Room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: AUXILIARY PUMP ROOM ++ --OBJECTIVE: UNFLOOD THE COMPARTMENT After you emerge out of the Crawlspace, you have many different ways to rid the 2 enemies in this room: #1 - When you emerge out of the CRAWLSPACE, turn to Sam's right and jump over the railing and down to the bottom floor. Use the OCP on the swinging lamp above to get the guard's attention. When he leaves the switchboard to look for you, quickly sneak over to that switchboard and ACTIVATE it. #2 - You'll see a pipeline above the soldier across from Sam. Use the pipeline and eliminate the soldier up here in any style you want. From there, jump down and eliminate the soldier working the switchboard by sneaking behind him. Use the switch and ACTIVATE it. You have two options to exit this room: #1: Head back up to the CRAWLSPACE and make it back to the room with the leaky door (it's not leaky anymore). #2: Exit the door across from the switchboard to a hall. Enter the first door and SLIDE OPEN and enter (this is the leaky room). Either way you choose leads back to the same room. Choose one to get your next objective. --OBJECTIVE: SCAN BILL OF LADING Go to the room that was leaking water and look for a large Crate with a piece of paper on it (it has a red tag) and SCAN it. Now exit the room to the hallway outside. As you emerge down the hallway, two guards will approach towards you. DO NOT INITIATE COMBAT! Instead, if you turn on Night Vision, you'll see a darkened area on the right of the hallway with an open vent. Enter the vent and creep your way UNDERNEATH the guards and emerge out on the other end. Head down the stairs and open the door (with the whirling red light) to another room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: ENGINE ROOM ++ This room isn't hard to figure out. You simply need to make your way (quietly) to the other side of the room to the metal stairs. Make your way up two floors of metal walkways to the top. I'll let you figure your stealthy way here (use the Jump-and hide technique on the railing!). At the top floor, enter the open doorway and head out to the other door. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: SOLDIER'S QUARTERS ++ In this room, you'll see a set of stairs. Don't head up the stairs just yet. --SUB-OBJECTIVE: PLACE TRACKER ON CRATE Carefully traverse this small but quiet hallway. You'll see a guard emerge from a room; knock him out and enter the room he exited. This is the soldier's bedrooms. Make you way to the back of the room to find a Crate and PLACE TRACKER (#2). Now head out and make your way up the stairs. You'll see an open doorway up here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: COMPUTER ROOM ++ --OBJECTIVE: RAID THE FILE CABINET When you enter this room, you'll overhear two soldiers conversing. DO NOT ENGAGE COMBAT! Instead, find the CRAWLSPACE near the doorway and enter through it. Emerge out to find one of the soldiers (by himself) browsing his computer. There is a filing cabinet behind the soldier. Slowly creep to the File Cabinet behind this man and use SEARCH CABINET option to finish the Objective. Once that's done, exit this room and head outside. There is a door here that leads to a Medical Room with a Med-Kit (and a soldier). Use the Med-Kit if you need to and exit to the door outside. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: PORTSIDE - OUTSIDE SHIP ++ There is a well-hidden Crate under the stairs near the door to PLACE TRACKER (#3). From here you have two options to use when finding the Captain: #1 - Go up the metal stairway and open the door on DECK 2. You'll enter a Mess Hall. There is a Crate in here to PLACE TRACKER (#4). From here you need to quietly sneak out of the room to the stairway outside this Mess Hall. Take the stairs up and you'll find another Crate to PLACE TRACKER (#5). After you do that, enter the hallway going upstairs to the Main Bridge of the ship. From here, grab the Captain and interrogate him. #2 - Go up the stairway and open the door on DECK 4. You will be on the top of the ship. You can explore the upper area of the ship but there's nothing that completes the Primary Objective so avoid the exploration. Enter the door at DECK 4 (from either side) and quietly grab and interrogate the Captain. Once you've interrogated the Captain, knock him out and hide the body. Head downstairs form the bridge and enter the hallway. Ignore the room with loud music and you'll emerge to a well-lit hall with a Crate to PLACE TRACKER. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS ++ --OBJECTIVE: ELIMINATE LACERDA Across the Crate is a small hall. There's a well-lit bathroom, a closed door, and a small kitchen. Avoid any bloodshed by listening to the whole Lacerda conversation. Once the conversation is over, Lacerda will emerge into the kitchen. Grab him and then exit the kitchen (the guards won't even notice you). INTERROGATE him and then rub him out to complete the Primary Objectives. --OBJECTIVE: EXTRACTION TIME Exit back to the Captain's bridge and exit back outside to the top of the ship. The Extraction point is ALL the way in the back of the ship on the top floor. Work your way quietly to the back of the ship and you'll find a ladder going down at the back. Slide down and you'll see two more ladders. The farther ladder to Sam's left is the Extraction Point but DON'T go there yet! --SUB-OBJECTIVE: PLACE TRACKER ON CRATE Climb down another ladder next to Sam and you'll emerge on the very back of the ship with three guards. Look for the last Crate and PLACE TRACKER. Now head back up the ladder and go to Extraction. MISSION COMPLETE! **100% LEVEL COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS: --INTERROGATE Lacerda ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ MISSION 3: PANAMA BANK ++ MMM MMM MM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM MMMMMM MMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MMMMMM MMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM M MM MMMMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM MM MMM MMMMMMMM MM MMMM MM MM MMMMMMMM ++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] STEAL $50,000,000 IN FRENCH GOVERNMENTAL BEARER BONDS [ ] DETERMINE WHO MCA'S BANK PURCHASED THE ARMS FOR [ ] ENTER THE BANK [ ] AUTHORIZE THE VAULT ACCESS FROM THE THREE OFFICER'S PANELS [ ] EXFILTRATE TO THE EXTRACTION POINT SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] LOOK FOR ANY SUSPICIOUS TRANSACTION RECORDS You need to use the SEARCH CABINET option inside the Treasurer's Room. Look for a filing cabinet and then open it to finish this objective. OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] PLANT A SERIES OF FALSE E-MAILS TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE AN INSIDE JOB To finish this objective, you need to master the Hacking mini-game. There are eight computers you need to hack in order to complete this objective. They are: #1 - Front Desk of the Bank #2 - Security Room, West area - first floor #3 - Upstairs Reception Desk (with the lasers) #4 - Security Room (Glass Chamber Upstairs) #5 - Executive's Office (with the raging fireplace) #6 - Treasurer's Office (across Vault entrance) #7 - Vault Security Room #8 - The Vault Computer ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Welcome to Panama! Panama-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Panama! ++ AREA: OUTSIDE BANK ++ The wall Sam is standing next to will be the Extraction Point at the end of the Mission! Remember this place! --OBJECTIVE: BREAK INTO THE BANK There are motion sensors in this courtyard. If you get caught...the light just turns on. That's it. No alarms. To avoid being caught by a stupid motion sensor, walk on the concrete of the courtyard. Head to the left of the Bank to find a switch. Flip it to turn off the spotlights in front of the bank. DO NOT ENTER THROUGH THE FRONT DOORS! Enter through the right side of the bank (watch for a Camera) towards a ladder at the back. Climb the ladder to the roof. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: BANK ROOFTOP ++ Make your way to the other side and BREAK OPEN option on the door. Enter the room and SWITCH OBJECT to open the glass dome. Head for the open glass dome and use the GRAB ROPE option and shimmy down to the middle of the Banking center. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: BANK - FIRST FLOOR ++ As you make your way down, you'll be flanked with lasers. Use the EEV on one of the Computers in the cubicle to disable all the Lasers. Exit this cubicle and head out. See that snoring guard? Grab and knock him out. (You can grab him and make him use the retinal scanner if you want.) --OBJECTIVE: PLACE FAKE E-MAILS (EIGHT TOTAL) BUT...before entering any of the doorways, go to the front of the room and the two large glass doors should be open. Sneak around the corner to see a guard behind the Front Desk (with a Camera above him). Get close and then smack him. Access and HACK his computer and place the Fake E-mails. Go back to the other room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two doorways here: the Retinal scanner doorway (the East Wing) and the doorway on the left (the West Wing). I will give separate walkthroughs if you decide to use one path. WALKTHROUGH #1 - The Retinal doorway (East Wing) When you enter here, you'll see a door with a red EXIT sign and a Camera above it. Across the EXIT door is a Supply Room with a CRAWLSPACE that goes to the bathroom in the West Wing. Two soldiers traverse East Wing (one walking around and the other is messing with the Keypad). From a far distance, shoot the red EXIT light (it's worth the trouble). When Paco (the Keypad soldier) investigates the noise, grab Paco and INTERROGATE him to get the Keycode to the Treasurer's Room. Knock him out and hid him in the darkened hallway. Turn the corner and shoot light above the Treasurer's office. This will alert two guards, so patiently wait for them to finish investigating before entering the office. Once the coast is clear, use the Keypad and go inside. --OBJECTIVE: GET ACCESS AUTHORIZATION (ONE OF THREE) Once inside the room, go to the Keypad next to the desk and use the ENABLE ACCESS option. Be sure to raid the filing cabinet and HACK the Computer. In this room is a CRAWLSPACE that leads to an outside Courtyard with a Camera near the CRAWLSPACE. BEFORE you use the CRAWLSPACE, go back out the door and shoot the remaining light in the East Wing and then IMMEDIATELY go back into the office and head for the CRAWLSPACE and exit out. Across the CRAWLSPACE is a large pipe that you can climb to the second floor. Use the OCP on the Camera and then climb the pipe up to a balcony above. Jump onto the balcony and enter the CRAWLSPACE that's here. Traverse through the vents until you reach a spinning fan. How do you turn it off? --OBJECTIVE: GET ACCESS AUTHORIZATION (TWO OF THREE) Under the fan are two soldiers. Try not to make a big scene by whistling or shooting at them. Instead, enter Binocular mode and SCAN the Hard Drive of the Computer down below and HACK it. Use the TURN OFF FAN option to turn it off. Once it's off, let the soldiers converse until it gets quiet. Now, jump down quietly and access the Computer across from them. HACK it to Disable all the Cameras in the area. Before you exit the room, don't for get to ENABLE ACCESS. Exit the room and head for the President's office. Use the Keypad and enter through to his office. HACK his Computer and then use the ENABLE ACCESS option on the Keypad near the Computer to open the Vault Door. --OBJECTIVE: STEAL $50,000,000 IN BONDS From here it's up to you to finish the Fake E-Mail Objectives or go straight to the Bank Vault. If you want to finish the Fake E-mail Objectives, follow the next walkthrough (for the West Wing). If you decide to go straight to the Vault, here's what you do: From the President's office, jump over the open window and jump down to the Courtyard below. GRAB the guard here and INTERROGATE him to get the Keycode. Knock him out and hide the body. Head up the stairs to the Keypad door (but shoot the two lights first!). Use the Keypad and then head for the Safety Deposit boxes and obtain the TELEMETRIC LOCKPICK. Go down the stairs to the Vault and use the Telemetric Pick. Once the Vault is open, PLACE CHARGE on the center of the door and then DETONATE CHARGE from a distance. Now enter the Vault and access the Computer here to TURN ON SPRINKLERS, TURN OFF LIGHTS, and OPEN CAGE (HACK it while you're at it). Grab all the Bonds and exit the Vault. Before you exit, turn on Thermal Vision to see a Laser on the door. Use the OCP to disable it and then head for Extraction. For the Walkthrough for the West Wing, read below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH #2: THE WEST WING Take the doorway to the left and open the door. Shoot out the light to darken the room from the Security Camera and to alert the guards in the security room nearby. When they emerge, quietly knock them both out. Enter their security booth and access the Computer in here then exit. Head through the hallway and turn off all the lights. You'll see a stairway, so take it up. AREA: BANK - SECOND FLOOR As you head up, Sam will be advised about more Laser grids. Grim will inform you to "stay in the guard's electronic shadow". Ignore this and just knock him out. You can grab his body and walk past the lasers with no problems (it's easier than tailing him). Do the same for the other guard on the other laser-filled side. Once that's done, head down the dark hallway to a small lounge with a LARGE glass office next to it. AREA: GLASS OFFICE AND LOUNGE - SECOND FLOOR --OBJECTIVE: GET THREE ACCESS AUTHORIZATIONS As you enter the lounge, you can hear a Security Camera. Use the OCP on the light post in the lounge (not the Camera). Sneak around the lounge towards the glass office door. A guard will come in and enter the room, so get behind him and knock him out. Use the KEYPAD (or Hack it) and grab the computer guy inside. Knock him out and access the computers. Be sure to check ALL the computers (one computer in here disables ALL the Security Cameras). Next to the door of this office is a Red sort of keypad. Get next to it and the ENABLE ACCESS option will appear. Use it to continue the objectives. Exit the glass office and go to the door with security Keypad (the one across the glass office). HACK the doorway and enter. Enter the office and turn off the lights (there's a Camera above the door). Enter the next office and head for the Keypad next to the desk to ENABLE ACCESS. Be sure to Hack the computer! AREA: BANK COURTYARD Exit this office by jumping out the window to a small courtyard with a guard. Grab him and talk to him to get a Keypad Code for the exit to this courtyard. Head up the stairs and use the OCP on the Camera on the left side of the exit. Use the Keycode BUT DO NOT ENTER YET! Use the OCP on the light above. As you enter, you'll see a guard messing with a Keypad. Wait for him to finish playing with the Keypad and he'll reveal the code while he's talking to himself and then walk away. Once he's gone, use the Keypad and enter the room. Now enter inside and use the Keypad next to the Desk to ENABLE ACCESS. Hack the computer in here while you're at it! AREA: BANK VAULT Once you get all three access codes, the main vault will open. The main vault stairway is directly across from this office your in. Head downstairs and turn right. You'll see a bunch of safety deposit boxes. One of them has the TELEMETRIC LOCKPICK Key Item you need. Open the safety deposit box on the far end and then head downstairs. **There's also a computer here you can access to complete a missed objective from Mission 2. Take the item you obtained downstairs and insert them into the locks next to the vault door. This is how the TELEMETRIC PICK works: Pick the lock as usual. When the light turns red, STOP AND WAIT! When it turns green, pick the next one. Repeat until it opens. Now place the explosives on the center of the Vault door and walk far away until the DETONATE option appears. AREA: INSIDE THE VAULT Head inside the vault carefully! There is a Camera on the other end! Use the OCP on it and access the Computer to TURN OFF LIGHTS, ACTIVATE SPRINKLERS, and OPEN CAGE (be sure to hack it too!). --OBJECTIVE: EXTRACTION TIME Before you leave, grab the Bonds! BUT DO NOT EXIT THE VAULT YET! Turn on Thermal Vision to spot a laser covering the Vault door. Disable the laser and you can continue through WITHOUT triggering the alarm. Head back to the Extraction point. MISSION COMPLETE! **There are many ways to complete this Mission. What I just described are the two main versions. Mix and match your paths to finish all the Objectives. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ MISSION 4: MANHATTAN, NEW YORK ++ MMM MMM MM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM MMMMMM MMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MMMMMM MMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM M MM MMMMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM MM MMM MMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MM MM ++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] ACCESS ZHERKEZI'S SERVER TO DETERMINE WHO DVORAK IS [ ] GET TO ZHERKEZI'S PENTHOUSE IN THE ADJACENT BUILDING [ ] FIND OUT WHO THE MERCENARIES WORK FOR [ ] LOCATE DVORAK [ ] RETRIEVE A HARDCOPY OUTPUTFOR A SINGLE DVORAK EXECUTION CYCLE [ ] EXFILTRATE TO THE PRIMARY EXTRACTION POINT SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] DISCOVER WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THE ZHERKEZI PROTECTION DETAIL The guard who knows this info is the one guarding the Penthouse balcony near the Guesthouse OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] TAP THE PENTHOUSE VIDEO CAMERAS (SIX TOTAL) ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Welcome to New York! The city that never sleeps! ++ AREA: ALLEYWAY ++ As you turn the corner you will see an officer in front you. Ignore him and let him continue his patrol. From here you CANNOT proceed any further without getting caught, so follow these directions: Just down the alley is a ladder leading up the building. Climb it and head up the stairway. Dead end? Nope. Jump on top of the boxes and jump to hang on the ledge. Shimmy all the way to the left and around the building to a pipe that leads you down to the other side. Slide down the pipe and emerge onto the street behind the officer. There are two officers here and two bright spotlights. How do you continue on? Simply use the OCP on the spotlight next to the van and then head for the other building in darkness as the officers go investigate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: APARTMENT BUILDING ++ Enter the doorway into an apartment building. Traverse the hallway inside until you see a soldier working on the elevator. Wait for him to put his tools away and then quickly sneak into the elevator before he turns around. Jump to the top of the elevator using the open vent. Climb the ladder all the way to the top. Halfway through the climb, the elevator will start working and going up. Don't worry about it and let it catch Sam on the way up. When the elevator stops, jump back down into the elevator but DO NOT go out yet! Wait for a soldier to walk past the elevator and then sneak up and knock him out. Exit this area up the stairs to the roof. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: ROOFTOPS W/ HELIPAD ++ There's two ways to get to get to the red neon billboard on the other side: #1 - Exit to the rooftops and turn left. As you walk to the left, you will encounter a switch. Flip it to turn off the lights on the Helipad. Continue working your way around the Helipad while using the OCP on the nearby spotlights. Make your way to the ladder on the other end and climb up to the billboard (use the OCP on the neon billboard first!). Look for the zipline and ZIP on down to the next building. #2 - Across from Exit is a set of large pipes. Hop over them and stay in the darkness away from the Helicopter. Use the OCP on the neon billboard and then climb the ladder next to the billboard. Look for the zipline and ZIP on down to the next building. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: PENTHOUSE BUILDING ++ After sliding down the pipe, head for the other end and shimmy on the ledge. A suspicious-looking soldier will be patrolling the balcony nearby (that's why you should shimmy on the ledge). Climb up and sneak behind him and GRAB him. INTERROGATE him for some revealing info and knock him out. Further down this balcony is an open doorway with two soldiers working on an elevator (and arguing). In this room with the two soldiers are two paths. You can accomplish this mission faster using one path than the other but the objectives are still the same. #1 - BEST PATH: As the two soldiers argue, you'll notice a large opaque sheet near the entrance. Slowly walk up to it and use the CUT MATERIAL option and head through. Inside this room is a Crawlspace, use it! Emerge on the other side and you'll be next to the elevator. Across from you is an unfinished kitchen. Enter the kitchen (use the OCP) and you'll see a doorway. Enter that doorway and you'll see a sleeping guard next to a computer. Ignore him and head outside using the PICK LOCK option. #2 - Wait for the soldier to "fix" the elevator. Lure him away from the elevator and then enter the elevator using the ENTER CRAWLSPACE option to the elevator roof. From there you will enter the Penthouse using the CRAWLSPACE to the bathroom. This route is the shorter way but I don't recommend it. --SUB-OBJECTIVE: TAP ZHERKEZI'S CAMERA SYSTEM (SIX TOTAL) Take the Best Path. As you exit, there is a Security camera out here that uses Infrared. Use Night Vision to see its Infrared scope path. You need to walk underneath the Camera and use the TAP CAMERA option on its wiring. Walk up the stairs (watch that Camera!) and enter the door on the left. (The door on the right is off-limits for the moment.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: ZHERKEZI GUESTHOUSE ++ As you enter this room, sneak up behind the soldier sitting in the bed listening to that god-awful cover band rawk. Interrogate him and then knock him out. Just across the bed is an open window with a soldier on the outer balcony. Hop over the window and then sneak up to him and conk him (be sure to INTERROGATE him first!). In this balcony is another Camera to tap. Jump over the railing and shimmy to the end to avoid being detected then jump over and sneak under the Camera and TAP it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: ZHERKEZI PENTHOUSE ++ --OBJECTIVE: ACCESS ZHERKEZI'S SERVER Enter the door next to the Camera into the kitchen. Turn off the lights here and head to the living room. Knock out the 1-2 soldiers in the living room but be careful! There's 2 more Security Cameras here! Once you've disposed the soldiers, look for both Cameras in the living room and TAP them. Now head up the Spiral staircase and into the Master bedroom. Across the Master bed is ANOTHER Camera. Walk under the Camera and TAP it. Behind the Master bed is a well- hidden door. Enter that door into an empty hallway to another room. Enter the door on this end to access Zherkezi's server (and the Keycode for use later in the mission). Now exit back to the Master bedroom. Across the Master bedroom is a long L-Shaped hallway. Head in there and turn off all the lights. You'll see a doorway and you can also hear two soldiers conversing on the other end of this doorway. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: ZHERKEZI'S GREENHOUSE ++ Wait for the conversation to finish and use the Split-Jump maneuver. Wait for the first soldier to walk in the dark and then knock him out from above. Jump down and hide the body and then whistle for the other soldier into this dark hall. Split-Jump and whack him from above. DO NOT go into the Greenhouse haphazardly! The final Camera is right next to the door. TAP it to finish the Sub-objectives. Now go back to the door that was off-limits (where Camera #1 is) and head through. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: ROOFTOPS ++ There are four soldiers and three Wall Mines in this area. Follow my tactics without having to knock them all out. Turn right after exiting the door to see a soldier standing idly on the roof. Knock his cowardly ass out. You now have two options to entering the next building: #1: Climb to the small roof and disarm the Wall Mine up here. Jump over the open window and knock out two soldiers. #2: Enter the building using the door on the other end. As you enter, traverse to another door. BUT DO NOT OPEN IT YET! Use the Optic Cable to see a soldier directly behind it. You know what? BASH the door open to knock him out and then hide his body. --OBJECTIVE: FIND DVORAK Turn left of the door you just bashed to a Keypad-locked door. Use the Keycode you obtained t open the door and enter. (If you need the keycode, go back to the hidden computer room inside Zherkezi's Master bedroom.) Walk up to the elderly fellow and speak to him. Keep speaking to him until the next objective is made. --OBJECTIVE: OBTAIN THE PUNCHCARDS Ask for the elderly fellows help and START SERVER. The old man will handle the servers on the right and Sam will handle the ones on the left. Each server that lights up, walk up to it and press the SWITCH OBJECT button. There three servers to switch on. Once the old man gives the okay, grab the Punch Cards from the server near the wall and head to Extraction. --OBJECTIVE: EXTRACTION TIME The Extraction point is at the top of the elevator that the two soldiers were working on earlier in the level. There are two ways to get there: #1: Head back through the kitchen (back where Camera #1 is located; where you saw the sleeping guard) #2: Inside Zherkezi's Penthouse. In the living room of the house is a door that leads to the bathroom. In that bathroom is a Crawlspace. Enter that Crawlspace and emerge on the other side. Call for Extraction. MISSION COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ MISSION 5: DISPLACE INTERNATIONAL ++ MMM MMM MM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM MMMMMM MMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MMMMMM MMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM M MM MMMMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM MM MMM MMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM MM MM MM MMMMMMM This Level heavily permits the use of the Hacking Mini-game. If you haven't figured the Hacking mini-game out by now, you'll be doing a LOT of second guessing and Alarm-making. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] DON'T KILL ANYONE [ ] ACCESS THE CENTRAL SERVER IN THE SERVER ROOM [ ] RETRIEVE THE SERVER ACCESS ALGORITHM [ ] FIND INFORMATION LINKING DISPLACE AND ZHERKEZI [ ] EXFILTRATE TO THE EXTRACTION POINT SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] DISCOVER THE REAL IDENTITY OF MILAN NEDICH OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] INSERT TRACER PROGRAMS INTO DISPLACE'S DIVISION SERVERS There are three Servers to find: #1 - In the large Computer Conference Room near Infiltration #2 - Inside the Men's Locker Room #3 - Second floor of the Turret Gun Shooting Range ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ AREA: DISPLACE ROOFTOPS ++ Enter through the crevice across from Sam to a large rooftop area with a fan and two guards. Wait for their conversation to end and let the guard start his patrol. Silently pass by the guard and then climb over the fence on the left side. The switch to turn off the large ventilation fan is on this side. Silently sneak near the technician and use the SWITCH OBJECT option and then quickly turn around. After that's done, climb over the fence again and head for the fan railing. Use the PICK LOCK option and then OPEN the gate. DO NOT JUMP DOWN OR ELSE! Use the RAPPEL ON WALL option on the object near the gate you just opened and make your way down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: DISPLACE VENTILATION ++ Traverse through the ventilation ducts to a metal grate. DO NOT OPEN THIS YET! Use the OPTIC CABLE option and listen to the conversation. --OBJECTIVE: RETRIEVE THE ALGORITHM ADVANCED TACTIC: As the men are talking you'll notice a briefcase/Laptop under the glass table. Bust out the Binoculars and try to SCAN the briefcase WITHOUT opening the grate. From there, you can HACK that briefcase and complete the first Objective BEFORE Grim even tells you what it is! When the men leave the room, OPEN the grate and jump in and exit the room. Enter the open doorway across from you to a large Computer Conference Room. --OBJECTIVE: INSERT TRACERS The computer at the very top of the room is the computer you need to hack. Hack it and insert the Tracer. DO NOT EXIT THIS ROOM FROM THE BOTTOM! Exit back out and head for the Keypad door in the corner (use the OCP to cover up the door!) to enter Level 2. Don't go down to Level 1, there's nothing for you to do there. In this area (Level 2) is a Camera and a guard sitting on a desk at the other end. Use the OCP on the LEVEL 2 neon sign and quickly head for the other side. The guard will "see" something but you can make it safely to his area. Enter the door on the left to a Locker Room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: MEN'S LOCKER ROOM ++ Quietly traverse inside and you'll see a bunch of computers, two guards, and treadmills. Look above the Computers and you'll see a pipeline that you can shimmy. Look for the pipe to climb on the wall and shimmy head over feet to the Computer on the other side. --OBJECTIVE: RETRIEVE ALGORITHM (if you didn't Hack the Laptop) --SUB-OBJECTIVE: INSERT TRACER Use the Computer at the end and Hack it to complete the objective. From here you have two choices to enter the next area: #1 - Exit back to the guard's desk and HACK the Retinal Scanner near the other door (or GRAN and use the guard if you didn't knock him out). Enter the door and use the guard to get past the Lasers to the Turret Gun Range. #2 - Instead of exiting the Locker Room, look for a CRAWLSPACE near the lockers in the corner and use it. Emerge to the other side to a lounge with two guards discussing Prince Of Persia 2 ("It's gonna be Game of the Year!") ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: TURRET GUN SHOOTING RANGE ++ --SUB-OBJECTIVE: INSERT TRACER Wait for the conversation to end and then quietly exit to the shooting range to the left. There's two ways to access the last server upstairs: #1: Walk up the stairs and Hack the Keypad (while trying to dodge that freakin' guard). Enter the room and Hack the computer and then exit using the CRAWLSPACE right next to it. #2: Head inside the Turret range and enter the open vent on the other end (use the OCP to darken the Turret room first!). Walk up the vents and find the CRAWLSPACE and enter it to the computer. --OBJECTIVE: ACCESS THE CENTRAL SERVER Exit through the CRAWLSPACE and head down the vent to an open space with a rope. Use the GRAB ROPE option and make your way down. Access the computer and use it. Once Lambert starts talking, QUICKLY go back up the rope! You'll see why in a second. Watch the guard from above and wait until he uses the computer (that you just accessed). Climb down the rope and silently exit through the door he came from. Use the OCP to exit the next room. When you exit the room, go to the elevator and go up to the 3RD floor and exit to the RIGHT side! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: THIRD FLOOR ++ --OBJECTIVE: FIND OUT MILAN NEDICH'S IDENTITY When you enter the Hall to the right, you'll overhear two men talking behind the covered windows. If you use the Optic Cable under the door, you'll hear Milan's real identity but it won't complete the objective. To complete this objective, you need to Record the conversation using the EEV from behind covered windows. Don't use the OCP on the windows! If you do, the guard will get distracted and the Objective is missed! Enter Binocular Mode and move the reticle until you see the RECORDING...option under the reticle. Listen to the entire conversation and Redding will call to inform you of Milan's identity. Traverse the halls and ignore all the other doors here. There are two guards that patrol this hallway. One of them knows the Code to the Executive Keypad code, so GRAB one of them and INTERROGATE him! Once that's done, look for the double doorway with the Camera. Use the OCP on the light and quickly use the Keycode on the door and enter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: EXECUTIVE OFFICES ++ There are two ways to enter the CEO's office: #1 - HACK the Keypad #2 - Enter the second door and grab the "Tuxedo" man inside. INTERROGATE him to get the Keycode for the CEO office. Knock him out and use the Keycode on the Keypad door and enter. There's no one inside the CEO's office so go crazy! Access all the Computers and then exit the room. --OBJECTIVE: EXTRACTION TIME Exit the room (use the OCP!) to the Exit door in the back of the room. Use the Keycode you obtained in the CEO's office and head upstairs. MISSION COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ MISSION 6: HOKKAIDO, JAPAN ++ MMM MMM MM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM MMMMMM MMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MMMMMM MMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM M MM MMMMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM MM MMM MMMMMM MM MM MMMM MMM MM MM MM MMMMMM ++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] DISCOVER THE REAL IDENTITY OF MILAN NEDICH [ ] ABDUCT ABRAHIM ZHERKEZHI [ ] ELIMINATE MILAN NEDICH [ ] ELIMINATE DOUGLAS SHETLAND [ ] EXFILTRATE TO THE PRIMARY EXTRACTION POINT SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: NONE OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] RETRIEVE THE HIDDEN MICROPHONES ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Welcome to Japan! Land Of The Rising Sun! ++ AREA: OUTSIDE ++ From where Sam starts, head through the trees and look up to see a guard on a rocky perch. Sneak underneath him and continue up to the house. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: INSIDE HOUSE #1 ++ Head inside and through the door until you see your first guard. Stay in the shadows until he walks outside. BUT DO NOT FOLLOW HIM! Instead, go up to the candle across from you and BLOW CANDLE to darken the room. This will startle both guards and will lure them away from the two cars outside. --OBJECTIVE: SCAN LICENSE PLATES As the two guards are about to investigate the room, quickly head outside and hide behind the car. SCAN PLATES for both of them to finish this objective (or use EEV). AREA: HOUSE #2 There are three different ways to enter the next house: #1 - Jump on the porch and then hop over the window. You'll see a CRAWLSPACE right there. #2 - Take the direct route and enter the front door #3 - Take the underground route. On the left side of the house is an underground area that you can enter and then emerge to the other side. This one is my sneakiest: After scanning the plates, head for the house across House #1 and jump onto the porch. See that open window? Jump over it to an empty room. Notice the CRAWLSPACE there? Enter it to the next area. --SUB-OBJECTIVE: FIND HIDDEN MICROPHONES (SIX TOTAL) As you emerge out of the CRAWLSPACE, wait for the patrolling guard to pass by then grab and knock him out. Hide the body near the CRAWLSPACE. Slowly head down and you'll notice a guard scanning for microphones. Jump over the window and grab and knock him out. Turn on EMF Vision to spot a MIC (#1) behind a Scroll. Now leave the area (look for a Red curtain) and continue through the rooms to a large balcony. Jump over the nearby window into the room and wait for the conversation to end. One soldier will patrol outside and the other will scan for Mics then use the toilet. Turn on EMF Vision to find a MIC (#2) behind a Scroll in this room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: OUTSIDE ++ There are two different ways to leave this room: #1 - Head through the hallways past the kitchen and open SLIDE OPEN the door to an open Courtyard. #2 - Head into the Toilet that the guard went into (you have to knock him out first!) to find two CRAWLSPACE vents (one leading outside and the other leading to the kitchen). Either way you choose is fine. You'll end up in a large open Courtyard with a two soldiers and a civilian doing Yoga (or something similar). Silently make your way to the house across the courtyard (use the OCP on the large lightpost near the front door). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: HOUSE #3 ++ In this House, you'll find a large Buddha statue. On the wall behind the Buddha statue is a CRAWLSPACE. Ignore this for now and continue the next objective: --OBJECTIVE: ELIMINATE MILAN NEDICH Head down the hall from the Buddha and you'll overhear Milan on the other side. Head for the door BUT DON'T ENTER! There's a CRAWLSPACE next to it, so USE IT! Crawl through to eavesdrop on Milan. To eliminate Milan without bloodshed, wait for him to finish his conversation with the guards and then he will retreat to the bathroom across from you. One guard will exit and one will stay. When the guard's back is turned, grab and knock him out. As for Milan, see his shadow on the paper-thin material? Slowly sneak up behind the paper material and GRAB him. INTERROGATE him and then knock him out (hide his body!). As you exit this room, turn on Thermal Vision to see a guard behind the paper-thin material door and another guard wandering around. Knock them both out. --SUB-OBJECTIVE: FIND HIDDEN MICROPHONES Before leaving the Buddha room, search the rooms for a MIC (#3; it's on the wall next to the telephone). Now enter the CRAWLSPACE behind the Buddha to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: MINI-GREENHOUSE & LIVING ROOM AREA ++ Eliminate the guard here in any way you like. Hide his body and continue through to a set of bedrooms and a large living room. There are two guards and one civilian in this area. Turn off the lights first and then slowly enter the second open doorway with the guard. Knock him out and then head for the living room. Knock out the guard watching TV. Behind the couch that the guard sat on is another Scroll with a MIC (#4). Search the other room for another MIC (#5). Exit the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: HOUSE #4 ++ Leave the area to the house next door with the stairway. Instead of heading upstairs, enter the door downstairs to a sort of Art studio. Turn on Thermal Vision to find another MIC (#6) behind a Scroll. Go upstairs and eliminate the guard. Head for the doorway and go inside. Eliminate the guard in here and look for the room with the toilet supplies, a Med-Kit, and a CRAWLSPACE. Heal yourself up and enter the CRAWLSPACE to the other side. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: TEAHOUSE ++ --OBJECTIVE: ABDUCT ZHERKEZI/ELIMINATE SHETLAND If you followed this walkthrough, then you didn't fire a single bullet from the SC-20K. But equip it after you exit the CRAWLSPACE and shoot a Sticky Shocker at the guard down below. Jump down and head for the Teahouse. Go inside and chase after Douglas. As you exit the building, slowly approach the area (with the two cars) because there are guards here. You'll miss the last objective but you're Mission is already complete. --OBJECTIVE: EXTRACTION TIME Go back to the area where you started the Mission. MISSION COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ MISSION 7: NORTH KOREA ++ MMM MMM MM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM MMMMMM MMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MMMMMM MMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM M MM MMMMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM MM MMM MMMMMMMMM MM MM MM MM MM ++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] DETERMINE IF THE KOREANS INTENTIONALLY LAUNCHED THE MISSILE [ ] TAP THE LAUNCHER BIOS FOR A FINGERPRINT OF DVORAK ALGORITHM FRAGMENTS [ ] ABORT THE MISSILE [ ] ACQUIRE THE MISSILE ABORT CODES [ ] EXFILTRATE TO ANY AVAILABLE EXTRACTION POINT SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: NONE FOR THIS MISSION OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] RECOVER THE SHIPPING AND REPAIR LOGS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ AREA: WAREHOUSE ENTRANCE ++ Climb down the rope to the warehouse. From here there are two ways to the building on the other side: #1 - Eliminate the enemies here and enter the door at the other end. Use the OCP on the Camera and enter the other door past a Computer room with a guard. #2 - Underneath the truck in the warehouse is a hidden pathway. Enter that pathway and traverse from down there. Look for a ladder that leads up to the Computer Room with the guard. Choose either path and continue on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: OFFICES ++ --SUB-OBJECTIVE: SCAN RECEIVING AND SHIPPING LOGS (THREE TOTAL) Turn off the lights in the office to get the guard's attention. Knock him out. See that office with the blinds and closed door? Go inside that room and grab the guard using the Computer and knock him out. Turn off the lights and use his Computer. Once that's done, exit through the well-lit hallway to the other side (turn off the lights!) to the soldier's quarters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: SOLDIER'S QUARTERS ++ Quietly sneak past the two sleeping guards to the double doors and exit. To the right of the Exit is a Camera and to the left is a light switch. Use the switch to get the guard's attention. Knock him out. Before heading down to the Missile Loading Bay, go to the door near the stairs and use the PICK LOCK option and enter. --OBJECTIVE: RETRIEVE SHIPPING LOG Enter this room to see a soldier in the other end listening to music. Leave him alone and SCAN the Hard Drive (NOT the Computer Screen) of the Computer he's sitting next to. After that's done exit back out. From here there are two ways to enter the Missile Loading Bay: #1 - There is a vent that you can open in the corner. Enter through and traverse your way to the Missile Loading Bay. #2 - Head downstairs. Simple, huh? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: MISSILE LOADING BAY ++ When you enter the Missile Loading Bay, look for the SWITCH on the other end to turn off the lights (knock out the two guards while you're at it). Next to the large truck is an electronic device that you can use to BYPASS CIRCUIT. Use it to get the large Missile above the truck moving. To enter the next area, you need to shimmy on the pipeline that the Missile is riding on. Jump to the roof of the truck to access the pipe and shimmy over the closed door. --OBJECTIVE: DISCOVER IF THE KOREANS LAUNCHED INTENTIONALLY As you jump down the vent, you'll see a large two-door elevator and an open vent in front of Sam. Ignore the vent (it's too much hassle) and head towards the elevator BUT DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: UPPER COMMAND CENTER ++ There are two ways to head to the Upper Command Center: #1 - HACK the elevator Keypad and then go in the elevator and go UP. As soon as the elevator stops, you'll have to eliminate a guard and HACK a Retinal Scanner all while dodging a Security Camera. Enter to the Command Center and listen to the conversation. OR...you can try the alternate route! #2 - Enter the West Command Center to left of the elevator (there's a Med-Kit in there). Eliminate the guard here and hide his body. In the corner of the room is an open vent on the ceiling. Jump up there and crawl to the top of the elevator. Access the device and use the BYPASS CIRCUIT option to get the elevator moving up. **You can only BYPASS CIRCUIT for the elevator once on each floor. After that, you have to manually ride the elevator inside. When the elevator stops, traverse your through the CRAWLSPACE and through the vents to the Main Command Center. Make your way to the other side and listen to the conversation. Listening to the conversation will complete the objective. --SUB-OBJECTIVE: RETRIEVE SHIPPING LOGS The Computer near the exit has the third set of Shipping Logs. Access it and then exit the room (go back the same way you came) back to the elevator. Use the BYPASS CIRCUIT option to go back down to the West Command Center. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: WEST COMMAND CENTER ++ --OBJECTIVE: TAP THE LAUNCH BIOS Exit the West Command Center (watch out for the Camera above the door). Eliminate the soldiers here and continue through the area to the other end. You'll end up outside with a sort of Missile Launcher in the center. Bust out the SC-20K and shoot the soldier here with an Airfoil Round. Hide his body and make your way down the bright stairway. To open the launcher, go downstairs from the OTHER side and enter the door using the STEALTH option. Quietly sneak up behind the soldier working the board and GRAB him. Knock him out in the shadows. Do the same for the other soldier if you have to. Now go to the circuit board and use the BYPASS CIRCUIT option. --SUB-OBJECTIVE: RETRIEVE SHIPPING LOGS The last Computer with the last of the Shipping Logs is ALSO in this room. It's the Computer near the Med-Kit (and NO you CAN'T SCAN it!). Head back up to the Missile Launcher and access it to finish the Objective. --OBJECTIVE: HEAD TO THE EAST COMMAND CENTER Go to the East Command Center (it's to the right of the elevator) and enter the room. Exit the room (watch out for the Camera above the door) out. You'll see a warhead in here that you can access. DO NOT ACCESS THE WARHEAD OR ELSE! Eliminate the soldiers here and continue through to the other side. Use the BYPASS CIRCUIT on the device near the large door to open it. --OBJECTIVE: STOP THE MISSILE LAUNCH The Abort codes for the Missile are in the Command Center under the Missile Launcher. Go down there and SLOWLY creep up and access the Computer from the right side! --OBJECTIVES: ABORT THE MISSILE Go back to the East Command Center and access the Computer in here to Abort the Missile. --OBJECTIVE: EXTRACTION TIME Now go to Extraction! MISSION COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ MISSION 8: SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA PART 1 ++ MMM MMM MM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM MMMMMM MMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MMMMMM MMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM M MM MMMMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM MM MMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMMMMMM ++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] INTERROGATE A SPECIAL FORCES AGENT TO DETERMINE THE LOCATION OF JONG [ ] LOCATE AND RETRIEVE DATA DRIVES FROM THE NDT [ ] GET TO THE ROOFTOP TO TRANSFER DATA TO THE EA-6B SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] TAP A MOBILE COMMAND CENTER OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] STOP THE NORTH KOREAN PROPAGANDA BROADCASTS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Welcome to War-torn South Korea! ++ AREA: DESTROYED APARTMENT ++ --OBJECTIVE: INTERROGATE SPECIAL FORCES Exit out of your burning apartment and use the RAPPEL ON WALL option outside. Continue down to a gate with a Wall Mine. DISABLE the Wall Mine and jump over the gate to the other side. You will see two soldiers conversing behind a camouflage net. Wait for one of them to "TAKE A LEAK!" and then GRAB him. INTERROGATE him to finish the first objective. --SUB-OBJECTIVE: DISABLE PROPAGANDA SPEAKERS (THREE TOTAL) In the area where you grabbed to Special Forces soldier is a propaganda speaker (#1) on the walls. Look for the speaker and walk underneath it to disable it. Now head for the red double-doors and climb the pipe on the left side of it. Make your way to the other side. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: THE MOBILE COMMAND CENTER ++ --OBJECTIVE: TAP A MOBILE COMMAND CENTER When you climb down the ladder, it looks tempting to use the OCP on the truck's headlights or to shoot them out. Don't do EITHER! Instead, look to the red double-doors and you'll see a scaffolding. Climb that scaffolding up and eliminate the hidden soldier up here. From here you have two options to get to the Mobile Command Center: #1 - Use the zipline up here to land on the roof of the MCC. #2 - Climb over the ledge and down the pipe. Use either way and access that MCC. To the left of the truck is another propaganda speaker (#2) to disable. See that front door next to the truck? Instead of going to the door across from the MCC; look for a ladder near the burning fire in the corner. Climb that ladder up to the top to find the last propaganda speaker (#3) and a CRAWLSPACE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: SERVER ROOM ++ --OBJECTIVE: RETRIEVE NDT DRIVES Enter through the CRAWLSPACE and make your way to the ladder leading down to a metal grate. OPEN the grate and head down to a Server room. Go to the Computer and retrieve the NDT Drives. Now go back up the ladder and wait for the door to get blown off. After it's blown, quietly sneak your way out and up the stairs to the hallway. Hide in the corner and let the soldier pass you by. As you head for the elevator near the burning fire, two soldiers will emerge out. Hide in the bathroom and turn off the lights. They will each investigate the light, so knock them out one by one. Once that's done, enter the elevator and go UP. MISSION 8 PART 1 COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ MISSION 8: SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA PART 2 ++ For this half of the Mission, you'll be dodging UAV's (or mini-copters) so be on your guard! I still haven't figured out how to destroy these things but I've learned how to dodge their patterns. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] GET TO THE EA-6B CRASH SITE [ ] DESIGNATE THE WRECKAGE OF THE EA-6B FOR AERIAL BOMBARDMENT SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] GAIN INFORMATION ABOUT NK UAV'S [ ] DISABLE PORTABLE RADAR RECONNAISSANCE RECEIEVERS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ On the roof is one soldier and a UAV. Jump over the railing and hide underneath it. You'll be safe there. --OBJECTIVE: DISABLE RADARS (FIVE TOTAL) Under the railing, bring up Binocular view and SCAN the Computer (#1) across the way. Next to this Computer is a zipline. Use it to head to the next building. Climb over the fence to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: BUILDING #2 ++ As you emerge, you'll see a Wall Mine. Shoot that thing and then shoot the lightpost above to darken the entire area. Across from here is a pipe that you can shimmy over to the next building. Land on the roof and jump to the other roof. From here, you can see three soldiers (two on the ground and one on the balcony). The soldier on the balcony has a Computer to SCAN. SCAN his Computer (#2) from the roof you are on and patiently wait. (Don't worry about the UAV; it won't search where you are.) Wait for the guard to emerge out from the door. Use the OCP on the light next to the door and head for the door. Use the BREAK LOCK option and quickly head inside before the light turns back on. Head for the door on the other end. AREA: DESTROYED BATHROOMS You'll emerge to an area with half the building destroyed. Climb your way down three floors. (Don't worry about the UAV, it won't see you.) Before jumping the gap towards the Computer (#3), SCAN it first! Now jump that gap and make your way around the ledge. A soldier will walk out and browse around. Knock him out and drag his body into the room he came from and turn off the lights. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: DESTROYED APARTMENT ++ Make your way around the hall to an area with a massively destroyed four floors. Carefully make your way down to the first floor where two soldiers are toying with a massive Warhead. Once they run away, jump down to their area. --OBJECTIVE: RETRIEVE UAV DATA One soldier will go downstairs and one will go into the kitchen and use a Computer. SCAN the Computer (you can still SCAN it even though the soldier is blocking the way). There is a CRAWLSPACE just behind the bar. Use it to exit the building. As you exit the CRAWLSPACE, a small firefight will occur. DO NOT JUMP DOWN TO ENGAGE COMBAT! Instead look up and you'll see a pipe that you can shimmy to the other side. USE IT! Jump down and head for the fence and climb over it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: THE FIRST TANK ++ As you climb over the fence, a firefight occurs on the other end with the two factions. First, shoot the neon sign above the Wall Mine and then go up and disable the Wall Mine. Bust out the SC-20K and equip Airfoil Rounds. Shoot the two soldiers with Airfoils to make this part a LITTLE easier. Once the gunfire stops, slowly head to the right and to the back of the truck. You'll see a blue neon sign with a ladder on the other end. Use the ladder and head up to the ledge above. Tread SLOWLY! The tank on the other end seems to be a trigger happy thing so be careful. See that zipline? DON'T TAKE IT YET! Shoot the neon sign across from the zipline to darken the area. NOW take the zipline. Time your movements as the tank's machine gun moves the other way and jump down. Quickly make your way behind the tank to the ladder at the corner and climb up. When you emerge, you'll see another Computer to retrieve UAV info (#4). DO NOT GET UP CLOSE TO IT! You will be seen by the soldier's below! SCAN it and hide in the dark corner and enter the door once you've scanned. Enter through the apartment and you'll see a window. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: MOBILE COMMAND CENTER #2 ++ DO NOT JUMP OVER THE WINDOW YET! Bust out the Pistol and shoot the blue neon sign first. NOW jump over the window. Watch for the roaming UAV and climb down the building. See that other blue neon sign? Shoot it to darken the entire area. --OBJECTIVE: TAP A MOBILE COMMAND CENTER There are three soldiers patrolling in the dark, so eliminate them in hide their bodies in the corner (so that the UAV doesn't find them). Enter the MCC and TAP it. Use the Med-Kit if you have to and continue on to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ AREA: THE DESTROYED AIRCRAFT ++ See that flickering lightpost? Wait for it to turn off and then quickly run over to the aircraft. Once Lambert starts talking, look to the side to see the pilots. Next to the pilots is a row of trashcans and a pipe on the wall. Above the pilots is a spotlight. Use the OCP on the spotlight and quickly head over to the pipe and climb it. As you emerge, you'll find your last Computer to retrieve UAV info (#5). From here you can walk on the ledge and use the zipline to the scaffolding on the other side. --OBJECTIVE: DESIGNATE TARGET Once you zip to the scaffolding, climb up to the top and use the DESIGNATE TARGET option. Try not to move around or the soldiers on the ground will see you. Once the aircraft is fully destroyed, the Mission is Completed. MISSION COMPLETED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ MISSION 9: JAPAN BATHHOUSE ++ MMM MMM MM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM MMMMMM MMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MMMMMM MMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM M MM MMMMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM MM MMM MMMMMM MM MM MM MMM MMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMM This Mission is EVIL! It will be difficult to write a 100% Walkthrough but I'll find out! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ MISSION 10: JAPANESE I-SDF ++ MMM MMM MM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM MMMMMM MMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMMM MMMM MM MMMMMM MMMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM M MM MMMMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM MM MMM MM MMMMMM MMMM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMMMM 100% Completion Walkthrough on the next update! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************ For the original FAQ, I decided that I would NOT opt to reveal all the alternate paths and only chronicle the most important routes for each Mission. But I decided that it would be too selfish I didn't include them all. So from now until the final update of the FAQ, I will include EVERY alternate route (even the really short ones) for all Missions. It's only fair that I not limit your choices and give you the whole piece of the pie. I tell you the paths, you choose the one you think works. I think that's fair enough. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The FAQ is almost done. Hang in there! It'll be worth your 100% while. --For more details on Coop and Versus Mode, read the FAQs by simalcrum over at IGN --If you think everything I've written is pure crap, then read the other SC:CT FAQ by FableX04 for a second opinion. ************************ ************************ This FAQ is only for use on GameFAQS. You may not copy, link, or reproduce this FAQ on your publication or website without permission. If you want to use this FAQ, please e-mail me at kroqjock@charter.net. I have no problems with anyone who asks. March 2005.